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Sleeping Huntress, 1625-77. Creator: Paulus Potter.
Saint Sebastian pierced with arrows and tied to a tree, ca. 1639. Creator: Simone Cantarini.
Saint Sebastian pierced with arrows and tied to a tree, copy after Cantarini, ca. 1639 or after. Creator: Unknown.
A Moorish horseman facing the left, standing and seated Turks in the middle ground, an..., ca. 1651. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Moorish horseman in profile facing right, in the background a pyramid at left, many fi..., ca. 1651. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Polish horseman with a bow and arrow, seen from behind with his horse facing right, a ..., ca. 1651. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Moorish horseman in profile facing right, a black slave holding a fur at right, anothe..., ca. 1651. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Nymph Holding a Large Dog by the Collar, ca. 1654. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
A Nymph Holding a Large Dog by its Collar, ca. 1654. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Polish horseman with a bow and arrow, seen from behind with his horse facing right, a ..., ca. 1651. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Niobe, from 'Game of Mythology' (Jeu de la Mythologie), 1644. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Virginia, from 'Game of Geography' (Jeu de la Géographie), 1644. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Heads of a Stag and Two Boars in Rinceaux of Oak Branches, ca. 1653. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Bacchanal, 17th century. Creator: Pierre Brebiette.
Cupid Resting (copy).n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Venus and Cupid, 1528. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Galatea standing in a water-chariot pulled by two dolphins, surrounded by tritons, nere..., 1515-16. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
Eros escaping by sea using his bow to propel a boat made from his quiver with an ar..., ca. 1515-27. Creator: Marco Dente.
Eros Escaping by Sea; Cupid using his bow to propel a boat made from his quiver wit..., ca. 1515-27. Creator: Marco Dente.
Galatea riding in a shell pulled through the water by dolphins, a cupid below and f..., ca. 1515-27. Creator: Marco Dente.
Venus and Cupid riding two sea monsters, Cupid raises an arrow in his right hand, t..., ca. 1515-27. Creator: Marco Dente.
Saint Sebastian, ca. 1435-1491. Creator: Martin Schongauer.
Saint Sebastian, ca. 1435-1491. Creator: Martin Schongauer.
Apollo standing at left shooting a python with an arrow, above to the left are the muse..., 1530-60. Creator: Master of the Die.
Three Loves, one of which is seated, holding a quiver, 1727-60. Creator: Pierre Alexandre Aveline.
Three Loves, One holding a Quiver, the Other, Grapes, 1727-60. Creator: Pierre Alexandre Aveline.
Trois Amours dont un tient une flèche (Three Loves, one of which holds an arrow), from Premier.... Creator: Pierre Alexandre Aveline.
The Sleep of Cupid. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Michel.
Bacchus, Music, Amor, 1575-1600. Creator: Johann Sadeler I.
Lamech and Cain, 1524. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, ca. 1600. Creator: Jan Muller.
The artist Jean Duvet in the guise of St. John the Evangelist, sitting at a desk, ca. 1546-55. Creator: Jean Duvet.
L'Amour.n.d. Creator: Jean Francois Janinet.
Le Colisée (The Colosseum), in an album containing Recueil de Compositions par Lagren..., 1782-1821. Creator: Jean Jacques Lagrenee.
The Death of Adonis, 1544. Creator: Jean Mignon.
Martyrdom of St. Sebastian with Two Crossbow Men. Creator: Hans Baldung.
1 of 8 plates on Hunting and Fishing. Creator: Unknown.
Diana and Orion. Creator: Jacques Bellange.
Chinese Soldier, 1738-45. Creator: Francois Boucher.
Mercury and Herse.n.d. Creator: Francois Jourd'heuil.
Cephalus and Procris: Procris turns her head over her right shoulder while seated nude in ..., 1539. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Triumph of Love: four horses draw a carriage with Cupid standing upon a smoking platfo..., ca. 1539. Creator: Georg Pencz.
Sémiramis, ca. 1639-40. Creators: Gilles Rousselet, Abraham Bosse.
Venus and Vulcan Seated on a Bed and Three Putti, mid-1550s. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
Venus and Vulcan at the Forge, ca. 1555. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi.
Plate 2: trophies of Roman arms from decorations above the windows on the second floor ..., 1656-58. Creator: Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi.
Plate 1: trophies of Roman arms from decorations above the windows on the second floor ..., 1656-58. Creator: Giovanni Battista Galestruzzi.
Cyparissus from set The Rural Gods, 1565. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Triumph of Love from The Triumphs of Petrarch, ca. 1548-49. Creator: Unknown.
The Triumph of Chastity from The Triumphs of Petrarch, ca. 1548-49. Creator: Unknown.
Satyrical Poetry, ca. 1741. Creator: Claude Augustin Duflos le Jeune.
Fire, 18th century. Creator: Claude Augustin Duflos le Jeune.
Time, Apollo and the Seasons, 1662. Creator: Claude Lorrain.
The Abduction of Dejanira. Creator: Battista Franco Veneziano.
Diana Resting with Nymphs. Creator: Battista Franco Veneziano.
The Abduction of Dejanira. Creator: Battista Franco Veneziano.
Cupid Sleeping, 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Galatea escaping Polyphemus; he is seated on a rock holding a staff and pipes and..., ca. 1515-1600. Creator: Unknown.
Callisto hunting with drawn bow, after Parmigianino), 1720-1740. Creator: Antonio Belemo.
Plate 105: Diana aiming her bow toward Chione, who is accompanied by two children, in anot..., 1606. Creator: Antonio Tempesta.