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27pages, 1,569 results in yourKeywordsearch for"arrow"Advanced Search
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Portrait of a Youth as Saint Sebastian, late 1480s. Creator: Marco d'Oggiono (Italian, 1460-1524), attributed to.
Portrait of Agostino Barbarigo, after about 1571. Creator: Paolo Veronese (Italian, 1528-1588).
Page from a Shah-nama (Book of Kings) of Firdausi (Persian, about 934-1020), c. 1590-1600. Creator: Unknown.
One of Three Pieces of an Arrow, First Intermediate- Middle Kingdom, 2123- 1814 BC. Creator: Unknown.
One of Three Pieces of an Arrow, First Intermediate- Middle Kingdom, 2123- 1814 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Operating on Guanyu's Arm, 1840s. Creator: Katsushika ?i (Japanese, about 1800-after 1857).
Man with an Arrow, c. 1515. Creator: Benedetto Montagna (Italian, c. 1481-1555/58).
Hanuman Brings the Mountain of Healing Plants; Rama Extracts the Arrow..., late 1700s. Creator: Unknown.
Forehead Pendant with Sun God Surya in a Chariot with Attendants, 1600s or 1700s. Creator: Unknown.
Durga Slaying Mahisha, c. 1700-1710. Creator: Unknown.
Coin of Chandragupta II , c. 400. Creator: Unknown.
Cupid Complaining to Venus, c. 1540-1546. Creator: Peter Flötner (German, 1485-1546).
Cupid Secretly Drawing an Arrow, 1807. Creator: Gilles-Lambert Godecharle (Belgian, 1750-1835).
A page from a Rasikapriya series, c. 1660. Creator: Unknown.
Allegory of Life, 1561. Creator: Giorgio Ghisi (Italian, 1520-1582).
Apollo the Python-Slayer, c. 350 BC. Creator: Praxiteles (Greek, c. 400BC-c. 330BC), attributed to.
Arrow, First Intermediate Period- Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 10-12, 2123-1914 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Bahram Gur and Azada, from a Shahnama (Book of Kings) of Firdausi (940-1019 or 1025), 1500s. Creator: Unknown.
Carved ivory mirror back, c1310-1320, (1881).  Creator: D Jones.
'William II', (c1056-1100), 1830. Creator: Unknown.
'Danny Park', 1835. Creator: Charles J Smith.
'King Canute the Dane', 1732.  Creator: George Vertue.
'The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads', c1840. Creator: George Presbury.
'Death of Harold at the Battle of Hastings', 1873. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
1932 Pierce Arrow S4. Creator: Unknown.
1932 Pierce Arrow S4. Creator: Unknown.
'Final Assault of the Turks in their First Siege of Vienna (1529)', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Defeat of Abdalrahman at Poitiers', (732AD), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Incident in the Siege of Paris: Defending the Bridge and Tower', (845) , 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'The Rufus Stone in the New Forest', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Richard I. Wounded at the Siege of the Castle of Chaluz', (1199), 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Storming of Constantinople by Baldwin, Count of Flanders', (1204), 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Tartar Horse Soldier', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The English Passing The Somme', (1346), 1890.  Creator: Unknown.
'The Battle of Agincourt', (1415), 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'A Battle-Scene from the Rameseum at Thebes', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The Spartans at Plataea', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Retreat of the Athenians from Syracuse', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'Death of Alcibiades', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Defeat of Porus by the Macedonians', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Sea-Fight Between Ptolemy and Demetrius Poliorcetes Off Salamis', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Repulse of Pyrrhus from Sparta', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'The "Golden Arrow" Service, Southern Railway', c1930.  Creator: Unknown.
The Martyrdom of Saint Ursula and her companions, c1450, (1943). Creator: Martin Schongauer.
'Nottingham', c1910. Creator: Unknown.
'Landing of Julius Caesar', 1773.  Creator: Charles Grignion.
'Richard I mortally wounded by an Arrow shot by Bertram de Gourdon from the Walls of the Castle of C Creator: William Walker.
'Gowberjan. Beauty of Calcutta', .  Creator: Unknown.
'A Bhil Couple', c1910.  Creator: Unknown.
'Venus and Cupid', 1906. Creator: Jost Ammon.
'The Martydom of the Virgins', 1489. Creator: Hans Memling.
'One cried from far: "Say to what pain ye come condemn'd"', c1890. Creator: Gustave Doré.
'We to those beasts, that rapid strode along, drew near, when Chiron took an arrow forth', c1890.  Creator: Gustave Doré.
'The Warriors', 1898, (1965). Creator: Viktor Mihajlovic Vasnecov.