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Nessus attempting to take Dejanira from Hercules: Nessus restrains Dejanira on his back wh..., 1608. Creator: Antonio Tempesta.
Hercules and the Serpent Ladon: Hercules draws his bow, the rearing serpent appears in pro..., 1608. Creator: Antonio Tempesta.
Cupid viewed from behind with an arrow in his raised right hand, ca. 1543-45. Creator: Andrea Schiavone.
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, ca. 1497/1498. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Saint Michael Fighting the Dragon, from The Apocalypse, 1498. Creator: Unknown.
Agate Arrow Point, Warm Springs, from the American Indian Chiefs series (N2) for Allen & G..., 1888. Creator: Allen & Ginter.
Saint Sebastian Tied to a Tree (reverse copy).n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Sebastian Bound to the Column, ca. 1499. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Turkish Family, ca. 1496. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Apollo and Diana, ca. 1503. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Saint Michael and the Dragon, from The Apocalypse, ca. 1498. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Four Horsemen, from The Apocalypse, Latin Edition, 1511, ca. 1511. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
Portrait of the Imperial Bodyguard Zhanyinbao, dated 1760. Creator: Unknown.
A Long Tale for an Autumn Night (Aki no yo nagamonogatari), ca. 1400. Creator: Unknown.
Juima, 18th-19th century. Creator: School of Katsushika Hokusai.
Nymph of the Spring, ca. 1545-50. Creator: Lucas Cranach the Younger.
Diana the Huntress. Creator: Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli.
The Dream after the Ball. Creator: Hans Makart.
Madame Bergeret de Frouville as Diana, 1756. Creator: Jean-Marc Nattier.
Durga Confronts the Buffalo Demon Mahisha: Scene from the Devi Mahatmya, ca. 1780. Creator: Attributed to a first-generation master after Nainsukh (active ca. 1735-78).
Frescoes from the Villa Stati-Mattei. Creator: Baldassare Peruzzi.
Rama and Lakshmana on Mount Pavarasana: Folio from the Shangri Ramayana series..., c1690-1710. Creator: Unknown.
Nobleman on Horseback, mid-18th century. Creator: Unknown.
The Goddess Durga Killing the Buffalo Demon, Mahisha (Mahishasura Mardini), ca. 1760. Creator: Unknown.
Kama Aims His Bow at Radha: Page From a Dispersed Gita Govinda (Loves of Krishna), ca. 1695. Creator: Unknown.
Hunting Scene, first half 12th century (possibly 1129-34). Creator: Unknown.
The Demon Kumbhakarna Is Defeated by Rama and Lakshmana..., ca. 1670. Creator: Unknown.
Pleasures of the Hunt, ca. 1800. Creator: Unknown.
Maharao Shatru Sal II (1866-89) Hunting a Tiger, ca. 1866-89. Creator: Unknown.
The Legendary Empress Jingu, dated 1847. Creator: Studio of Katsushika Hokusai.
Rama and Lakshmana Overwhelmed by Arrows: Folio from the Siege of Lanka series, ca. 1725. Creator: Manaku.
Diana and Cupid, 1761. Creator: Pompeo Batoni.
'Rama's Marriage', 1920. Creator: Unknown.
'The Death of Maricha', 1920. Creator: Unknown.
'Ekalavya', 1920. Creator: Unknown.
'The Trial of the Princes', 1920. Creator: Unknown.
'The House of Lac', 1920. Creator: Unknown.
'Arjuna and the River Nymph', 1913. Creator: Warwick Goble.
'Totaro and Samébito', 1912. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'Hoori and the Sea God's Daughter', 1912. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'The veela razing the walls of Skadar', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'The War-chief kills the Monster Rattlesnake', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
'Rameses II accompanied by a Lion', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'Yorimasa slays the Vampire', 1912. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
The death of Harold at the Battle of Hastings, 1066, (1944). Creator: Unknown.
Venus and Adonis, probably mid-1630s. Creator: Peter Paul Rubens.
'Lake Champlain, from Plattsburg to St. Albans', 1874.  Creator: William James Palmer.
'The Finery of a Native Hunter in the Belgian Congo, Africa', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
'First Positions of the Two Million Troops of the Warring Nations', 1915. Creator: Unknown.
'Map illustrating the Russian Invasion of East Prussia', 1915. Creator: Unknown.
Henry Segrave and Golden Arrow at Daytona 1929 promoting Opex Lacquer. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow with crowd of people after unpacking from crate 1929. Creator: Unknown.
1929 Golden Arrow rear view from above. Creator: Unknown.
Golden Arrow Napier Lion engine 1929. Creator: Unknown.
'Rufus' Stone', 1898. Creator: Unknown.
'Bar Gate, South Side', 1898. Creator: Unknown.
Wisdom King of Passion (Aizen myoo), 1300s. Creator: Unknown.
Rustam meets the challenge of Ashkabus, from a Shah-nama (Book of Kings) of Firdausi...c1590-1600. Creator: Unknown.
The Labors of Hercules: Hercules and Nessus, 1542. Creator: Hans Sebald Beham (German, 1500-1550).
Three Pieces of an Arrow, First Intermediate- Middle Kingdom, 2123- 1814 BC. Creator: Unknown.