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'How An Ancient Egyptian Painted The Coming Of The Israelites Into Egypt', c1930. Creator: Unknown.
'Crusaders and Saracens in Battle', c1930. Creator: Unknown.
'Methods of Warfare During The Hundred Years' War', c1400, (c1930).  Creator: Unknown.
Former Swan Pottery, Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent, 1965-1968. Creator: Eileen Deste.
'Hiawatha', 1882. Creator: Unknown.
'Robin Hood Marks the Spot for his Grave', 1883. Creator: Unknown.
'Lochiel at Killiecrankie', 1881. Creator: Unknown.
'Masquerade Ticket', 1727, (1827). Creator: Unknown.
'Pallas and the Centaur', c1480-1485, (1937).  Creator: Sandro Botticelli.
'Battle of Hastings & Death of Harold', (19th century?). Creator: Unknown.
'Representation of a grand Shooting Match by the London Archers in the year 1583', (1775).  Creator: Unknown.
Meleager and Atalanta, c1770-1800 Creator: Richard Earlom.
'A Representation of a grand Shooting Match by the London Archers in the year 1583'. Creator: Unknown.
'Yumas', c1850s. Creator: Sarony, Major and Knapp.
'Winds and Rainfall - November to April', 1923. Creator: Unknown.
'English Archer of the Period (from such a rare old print)', 1897.  Creator: John Leech.
'United States of America', c1935. Creator: Unknown.
Taguri Tatars of the Crimea, c1820s-30s. Creator: D.K. Bonatti (fl. 1720-80).
At Izu no Oshima, Chinzei Hachiro Tametomo Shoots an Enemy Warship with an Arrow, c1843.
The motor yacht 'Black Arrow' under way, 1934. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
Frontispiece from The English Dance of Death, pub. 1815 (coloured engraving), 1815. Creator: Thomas Rowlandson (1756 - 1827).
The steam yacht 'Amazon' under way. Creator: Kirk & Sons of Cowes.
'A Moor with Quiver and sunshade', 1752, (1928).  Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo.
'Norman Hunting', (1931). Artist: Charles Henry Bourne Quennell.
'A Biscuit Oven filled with Seggars s. AA are the flues', c1917. Artist: Unknown.
Re-enactment event at Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, c1980-c2017. Artist: Unknown.
Death of Alphonse V (995-1028), King of Asturias and Leon, during the siege of Viseo (1028).
Valltorta archer, found in the Cave of the Horses (Tírig, Castellón), is an anthropomorphic figur…
Panel with several overlapping bisons and a small goat, this one and several bisons are wounded b…
Detail of a wounded bison, part of an overlapping of figures, it has been painted tracing his pro…
Panel 5, No. 94 Black Hall (Niaux cave): it has been interpreted as a dead female bison, by the o…
Taking of Caen by the English (1346), Miniature in 'Chroniques de France', 15th century, illumina…
Take and pillage of Alost and Grammont by the inhabitants of Gant (1380), Miniature in 'Chronique…
Archery at the samurai in the gardens of Chiyoda No Onmote-Yabusame Jyoran, popular card, 1897.
The moon, colored engraving from the book 'Le Theatre du monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', 1645, created,…
Venus, colored engraving from the book 'Le Theatre du monde' or 'Nouvel Atlas', 1645, created, pr…
Typology of iron spearheads and arrows, from Echaun.
Scene of the Battle of Poitiers (732), with Carlos Martel winner of the Arabs. Miniature of the '…
Ajax with the body of Achilles, died when hurt in the heel by an arrow shot by Paris'. Episode co…
'Jesuit Priest and Converts Attacked By Indians', 1916. Artist: Henry Sandham.
Re-enactment event at Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight, c1980-c2017. Artist: Unknown.
'Venus and Adonis', c1700-c1710. Artist: Carlo Cignani.
'William Rufus', 1856. Artist: Alfred Crowquill.
'Love's Game of Chess - Apollo watches the Muses dance', 1937. Artist: Emile- Aurele Van Moe.
Study of Tintoretto's Saint Sebastian in the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, 1859 or 1862. Artist: Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones.
Funerary urn, 5th-4th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Tametomo’s Military Might Drives Away the Smallpox Demons, 1890. Artist: Tsukioka Yoshitoshi.
The Triumph of Love, c1545. Artist: Titian.
Landscape with Ascanius Shooting the Stag of Sylvia, 1680-1682. Artist: Claude Lorrain.
Landscape with Ascanius shooting the Stag of Sylvia, 1681-1682. Artist: Claude Lorrain.
A boy of the Howard Family, 1627. Artist: Robert Peake.
The Death of Harold, 1902.
Battle of Hastings, 1066, (c1990-2010). Artist: Peter Dunn.
Hunting Magic, Design on pottery vessel, Zuni tribe, Pueblo Indian. Artist: Unknown.
Birth of Adonis, Ovid: Metamorpheses X, Italian Earthenware Dish, 1541. Artist: Francesco Durantino.
Akbar hunting, Mughal Scool, 1590. Artist: Unknown.
Ashurnasirpal II killing lions, c645 BC-635 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Assyrian Relief,  Ashurnasirpal II with attendants, 9th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Sassanian Silver-Gilt Dish of King Peroz I, (459-484) Hunting Mouflon, c5th century.  Artist: Unknown.
Egyptian coffin detail of Zodiac Signs Scorpio and Sagittarius, 2nd century. Artist: Unknown.