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1902 Pierce Arrow. Artist: Unknown.
1930 Pierce Arrow 7 passenger phaeton. Artist: Unknown.
'The Huntress Diane', c1920. Artist: Arthur Rackham.
1914 Pierce Arrow. Artist: Unknown.
Pierce Arrow single 1911. Artist: Simon Clay.
Pierce Arrow single 1911. Artist: Simon Clay.
'Boy with Bows and Arrows', c1670. Artist: Nicolaes Maes.
'Boy with a Sabre', c1640. Artist: Hendrik Gerritsz Pot.
'The Golden Arrow, S.R., leaving Shakespeare's Cliff, Dover', 1940. Artist: Unknown.
'Sugar Cane in Arrow Trinidad', c1900. Artist: Unknown.
'The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian', 1475, (1909). Artist: Antonio del Pollaiuolo.
''The Arrival of a Tribe of Semitic Nomads in Egypt', 1895 BC, (1903). Artist: Unknown.
'Shaftesbury Memorial Fountain', c1909. Artist: Frederick Hollyer.
'Orpheus', 1896. Artist: John MacAllan Swan.
'King Alfred's long-ships defeat the Danes 877', 1925-1927. Artist: Colin Unwin Gill.
The Martyrdom of St Sebastian', c1495 (1906). Artist: Albrecht Durer.
'Archers', c1799. Artist: Wright & Ziegler.
'Christ trampling down Satan', c1800. Artist: William Blake.
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, 1475, (1911). Artist: Antonio del Pollaiuolo
Dr. Nathaniel Spens, 1793, (1922). Artist: Henry Raeburn
La Rose, 1788, (1916). Artist: Philibert Louis Debucourt
Venus and Cupid, 18th century, (1919). Artist: Louis Marin Bonnet
The Death of Harold, 1902.
Venus and Cupid, (1914). Artist: Henry Tresham
A Kalmouk warrior in combat, 1900s. Artist: Unknown
Battle of Crecy in France, 1346 Artist: Unknown.
Battle of Hastings, 1066. Artist: Unknown
Naval Engagement against two great French Carricks by Richard Beauchamp Earl of Warwick in the reign Artist: Unknown.
Samurai Warrior riding a horse. A Japanese painting on silk, in a traditional Japanese style. Artist: Unknown
Hiawatha theatre advertisement. Artist: Wilfred Fryer
Blackfoot Native American tepee lining Artist: Unknown
Italian earthenware plate showing Vulcan forging arrows for Cupid, c.16th century. Artist: Unknown
Assyrian relief of a wounded lion from Ashurbanipal, 7th century. Artist: Unknown
Assyrian relief of a wounded lioness from Ashurbanipal, 7th century. Artist: Unknown
Inuit hunting scene. Artist: Unknown
Ivory arrow straightener in the form of a bear with engraved pictographs. Artist: Unknown
Inuit arrowshaft straightener. Artist: Unknown
Attic plate with an image of an archer in Scythian dress, 5th century BC. Artist: Epiktetos
Young Man with Arrow, c. 1505. Artist: Giorgione (1476-1510)
Death with an Arrow About to Strike the Man Down, 1609. Artist: Swanenburgh, Willem van (1582-1616)
Arrow Maker. Artist: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638)
'Cupid Sharpening an Arrow', 1750.  Artist: Charles-Joseph Natoire
'A Dangerous Lesson', 1886.  Artist: Henryk Siemiradzki
'Venus and Cupid', 1792.  Artist: Nicolas de Courteille
'Sappho, Phaon and Cupid', 1809.  Artist: Jacques-Louis David
Arrow-points from the Sahara, 7th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of an Etruscan bronze of an Amazon archer, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of a war shield showing North American Indians in battle. Artist: Unknown
Portrait of Babylonian King Marduk-Nadin-Akke. Artist: Unknown
Detail from the Balawat Gates, made for Shalmeneser III, Neo-Assyrian, c858-824BC. Artist: Unknown
Stone panel from the North Palace of Ashurbanipal, Nineveh, northern Iraq, Neo-Assyrian, c645 BC. Artist: Unknown
Persian relief of archers of the Persian Royal Guard. Artist: Unknown
Neolithic cave-painting of a wounded bison. Artist: Unknown
Persian enamelled brick archer, 6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of a Hittite Chariot. Artist: Unknown
Bronze medallion of Apollo and the serpent Python, 16th century. Artist: Unknown
Detail of Zuni tribe Native American hunting magic on pottery. Artist: Unknown
Stained glass window of St Edmund being martyred by Danes, 9th century. Artist: Unknown
Detail of gold sheet from a Scythian quiver, 6th century Artist: Unknown
Sassanian dish showing King Ardashir III hunting. Artist: Unknown