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'Venus and Cupid', 1600.  Artist: Aegidius Sadeler II
'Venus and Cupid', 1785.  Artist: Pompeo Batoni
'Paris Abducting Helen', c1782-c1784.  Artist: Gavin Hamilton
'The Sacrifice of Polyxena', 1730s. Artist: Giovanni Battista Pittoni the Younger
Venetian woodcut, c1500 (1964).  Artist: Anon
Hunting costume, 13th century, (1910). Artist: Unknown
'The Defeat and Death of the Tyrant Boccoris', 1774. Artist: W Walker
'Procris Killed by an arrow which Cephalus darted through the thicket', 1775. Artist: W Walker
Sagittarius, The Archer, 1923. Artist: Unknown
'A Nisovian Tunguzian in his Winter Habit', c18th century. Artist: Unknown
Arrow-Head, 1923. Artist: Unknown
Mameluke chief, 1798.Artist: James Gillray
'Champlain's First Battle with the Indians, AD 1609', (1877). Artist: Unknown
'Thorwald Erikson's Battle with the Indians, about AD 1003', (1877). Artist: Unknown
Mameluke chief, 1798.Artist: James Gillray
The Elephants of Pyrrhus, c1900. Artist: Unknown
'The King of Cochin riding on an elephant, attended by his Nayro's', c1745. Artist: Unknown
Richard I, King of England. Artist: Unknown
Richard I King of England, (1799).Artist: J Chapman
Richard I King of England, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
Richard I King of England, (1788).Artist: Thornthwaite Fitzgerald
Richard I King of England, (1788).Artist: I Taylor
Richard I King of England.Artist: Edward Lutterell
Richard I, King of England.Artist: George Vertue
Richard I, King of England. Artist: Unknown
'Death Of William The Second', 1100, (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Frankish archers, 15th century, (1870). Artist: Unknown
Minerva Directing the Arrow of Cupid', late 18th-early 19th century (1912).Artist: Richard Cosway
Norman archer, Bayeux Tapestry, c1070s, (1870). Artist: Unknown
'The Bear Hunt', 1875. Artist: Making Medicine
North American San Francisco Indians hunting with bows and arrows, c1840. Artist: Unknown
Unhorsing of a Pawnee warrior by Dakota Sioux warrior Zintka Mato (Dog Bear), c1889-1927.  Artist: Kills Two
Mounted Grand Plains Indian hunting Buffalo with bow and arrow, c1890-c1927.  Artist: Kills Two
Roman soldiers delivering Greek fire by means of arrows and slings, 1605. Artist: Unknown
'St Sebastian' 17th century. Artist: Perugino
Japanese plate, 1850-1875. Artist: Unknown
Native American painting on animal skin, 19th century. Artist: Silver Horn
Heiji Rebellion, Japan, 1159. Artist: Unknown
Neolithic implements of stone, flint and horn, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Roman soldiers, 1801. Artist: Unknown
Roman soldiers using a war engine firing multiple arrows, 1605. Artist: Unknown
Death of King William II, 1100 (1864). Artist: Unknown
Paul Verlaine as Decadence, c1880s. Artist: Emile Cohl
Timur attacking the Knights of St John at Smyrna, 1402 (1467). Artist: Bihzad
Venezuelans attacking Spanish conquistadors, c16th century. Artist: Hieronyouse Koler
Battle between Alexander and the Persian king Darius III, 4th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Death of King Harold, Battle of Hastings, 1066 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Robin Hood, legendary English folk hero and outlaw and champion of the poor, early 19th century. Artist: Unknown
St Sebastian, Christian martyr, mid 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Cupid shooting an arrow carrying a love letter, American Valentine card, 1908. Artist: Anon
'To My Valentine', American Valentine card, c1908. Artist: Anon
'To My Valentine', American Valetine card, 1907. Artist: Anon
The Battle of Crecy, 26 August 1346, (1910). Artist: Unknown
The Battle of Agincourt, 25 October 1415, (1910). Artist: Unknown
Onondaga village attacked by the French explorer Samuel de Champlain, 1615. Artist: Unknown
North American Indian hunting buffalo, 1861. Artist: Unknown
North American Indians hunting buffalo, c1870. Artist: Unknown
King Alfred burning the cakes, 878 (c1900). Artist: Unknown
The warrior Minamoto No Yoshitsune on horseback, Japanese, 1886. Artist: Utagawa Yoshimori
Merchants transporting goods to the coast and a waiting vessel by camel, 1575. Artist: Unknown