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The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 1498. Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Apollo, Ancient Greek god of music, poetry, archery, prophecy and healing, 1798. Artist: Unknown
Selim I, Emperor of Turkey from 1512. Artist: Unknown
Russians routing Bulgarians in a cavalry skirmish. Artist: Unknown
Bodyguard of Persian Kings, 6th-5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ashurnasirpal II, King of Assyria, c9th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Atahualpa (d1553), last Inca emperor of Peru, 1686. Artist: Unknown
Mounted Muscovite warriors, 1556. Artist: Unknown
Painted and inlaid coffer from the Treasure of Tutankhamun, Ancient Egyptian, c1325 BC. Artist: Unknown
Siege scene, c1260, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
Swansea Castle, South Wales, 2010.
'Venus and Cupid', 1509.
The Martyrdom of St Sebastian, 15th century (1956). Artist: Unknown
'First Stage of Cruelty', plate I from The Four Stages of Cruelty, 1751. Artist: Anon
'Samoyede Travelling on Snow-Shoes', Russia, 1877. Artist: Unknown
Battle between Nuno de Guzman and inhabitants of Michuacan, Mexico, 16th century. Artist: Unknown
'St Ursula Shrine', 1489. Artist: Hans Memling
'Immigration Semite in the Nomist of Mall', 1881. Artist: Unknown
'The rest of a Hunter with Dogs', c1842-1896. Artist: Evariste Vital Luminais
Narcissus in love with his own reflection, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Two Saxon Archers, 8th century, (1833). Artist: Unknown
Allegorical view of America, early 17th century (1926).Artist: Cornelis de Visscher
'The Triumph of Galatea', 1512 (1849).Artist: L Delaistre
Mercedes-Benz, 1937. Artist: Unknown
Sac and Fox Indians, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Native Americans, North Western Frontier, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
'The Mystic Marriage of St Catherine', 1526-1527 (1870). Artist: Franz Kellerhoven
'Robin Hood's Death', c1900(?). Artist: Unknown
'The last of the Charruas', 1848. Artist: Unknown
Portrait of a costumed woman, early 20th century.Artist: Aristophot
Unity Moore (1894-1981), Irish actress, 1911-1912.Artist: Alfred Ellis & Walery
Queen Mary II, 1903. Artist: G Barrie and Sons
The Sioux, USA, 19th century.Artist: C Gilbert
'The Ostiacks', 19th century.Artist: T Spendelone
'Cupid Bound', 1908.               Artist: Anna Lea Merritt
Costume design for the the ballet dancer Ida Rubinstein, 1911. Artist: Leon Bakst
'The Love which is Avenged', 17th century.  Artist: Simon Vouet
'Mars and Venus', late 16th-early 17th century.  Artist: Joachim Anthonisz Wtewael
'The Battle of Love and Chastity', 1504-1523 Artist: Perugino
Costume design for Italian writer Gabriele D'Annunzio's drama The Martyrdom of St Sebastian, 1911. Artist: Leon Bakst
'Diana the Huntress with her Two Dogs', 16th century. Artist: Unknown
'Asiatic Races', 1800-1900.Artist: G Mutzel
Witch shooting a man in the foot with an enchanted arrow made from a hazel wand, 1489. Artist: Unknown
Agnes, Countess of Dunbar (1312?-1369), known as Black Agnes, 1338 (late 19th century). Artist: Unknown
King Alfred burning the cakes, 878 (1864). Artist: Unknown
Agnes, Countess of Dunbar (1312?-1369), known as Black Agnes, 1338 (early 20th century). Artist: Unknown
'Alfred in the Neat-Herd's Cottage', 1776. Artist: I Hall
'Meleager presents to Atalanta the head of the Callydonian Boar', 1774. Artist: W Walker
Emmeline Pankhurst, c1909. Artist: Unknown
Suffragette prisoner, c1910. Artist: Unknown
'Masquerade Ticket', 18th century. Artist: Unknown
Emmeline Pankhurst, c1909. Artist: Unknown
Prehistoric hunters stalking red deer, Southern England, 6000 BC. Artist: Derek Lucas
A suffragette demonstrating in Whitehall, London, c1908. Artist: Unknown
Queen Elizabeth I as Diana, 16th century, (1896).Artist: Cornelius Vroom
'St Ursula Shrine, Martyrdom at Cologne', 1489. Artist: Hans Memling
'The Virgin and Child with Saints Francis and Sebastian', 1491. Artist: Carlo Crivelli
Vibhasa Ragini, Ragamala Album, School of Rajasthan, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
'Cephalus and Procris', c1574-1627. Artist: Giovanni Battista Paggi
'The Battle of Love and Chastity', c1503-1523. Artist: Perugino