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A Mandarin warlord, 1780. Artist: Pierre Duflos
'How to carry a cloth to approach beasts', 15th century (1849). Artist: Unknown
'The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse', 1498, (1936).  Creator: Albrecht Durer.
'St Michael Battling with the Dragon', 1498, (1936). Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Fishing with a bow, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Indian Ocean, c1890.Artist: Gillot
A huntsman stringing his bow, 1936.Artist: Wide World Photos
A Manchurian archer, China, 1904. Artist: CH Graves
'Portrait of Antoine, Bastard of Burgundy', c1456, (1927). Artist: Rogier Van der Weyden
'Martyrdom of St Sebastian', (1927).Artist: Hans Memling
Battle of Mons Badonicus, c500 AD, (c1920).Artist: C Dudley Tennant
Lewis Waller (1860-1915), English actor, 1907.Artist: Foulsham and Banfield
'Native American', California, 19th century.Artist: Gustave Boulanger
Enamelled jewel presented by Mary Queen of Scots, to George Gordon, 16th century, (1840).Artist: C J Smith
Battle of Crécy, 26th August 1346. Artist: Unknown
'The Habit of a Lapland Man', 19th century.Artist: S Hulett
The death of William Rufus, 1100. Artist: Dupre
William Rufus and the soldier. Artist: Unknown
Hunters of Bay San Francisco, 1848. Artist: Unknown
'The War Dance, by the Ojibbeway Indians', 1848.Artist: Harris
Medieval man with a bow. Artist: Unknown
King William II of England. Artist: Unknown
King William II of England. Artist: Unknown
Seige of Paris by the Normans,19th Century. Colour Lithograph. Private collection. Creator: Unknown.
'St Sebastian', c1630.                                                    Artist: Francesco Furini
Japanese children playing with bows, Korea, 1900. Artist: Unknown
Narcissus in love with his own reflection, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Arethusa pursued by Alpheus and turned into a fountain, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Apollo and Diana Kill Niobe's Children with their Arrows', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'St Sebastian', c1470-1523. Artist: Perugino
Fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas Bockler
'Cupidons', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
Group of Nubian Soldiers, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptain fresco, 19th century. Artist: Ippolito Rosellini
Siege of Antioch, c1097, (14th century). Artist: Unknown
Sagittarius, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
'The Ships Depart', 1927. Artist: Paul Klee
Events of the The Hundred Years War, (20th century). Artist: Unknown
Troops of the Royal Guard, 12th-16th century (1887). Artist: A Lemercier
November: feeding pigs, and Sagittarius, c1423. Artist: Unknown
'Saint Sebastian', 1457. Artist: Andrea del Castagno
'Diana', (detail), goddess of hunting, Vatican Museum. Artist: Unknown
'St Ursula Shrine, Martyrdom', 1489. Artist: Hans Memling
'St Ursula Shrine, Martyrdom at Cologne', Detail, 1489. Artist: Hans Memling
'Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge', 1920.  Artist: Lazar Markovich Lissitzky
View of The Royal Archers in Finsbury Fields, c1750. Artist: Anon
Ochre red slipped pottery jar with deer and archer, Karuo culture, China, c2300-c1800 BC. Artist: Unknown
Archers in a battle re-enactment. Artist: Geoffrey Davis
Selection of wood-shafted clubs, 1910-35. Artist: Unknown
Diamond Golf Tee book of matches, c1900. Artist: Unknown
Fashion print for Arrow Shirts, c1910. Artist: L Hurd
Figure of Aizen Myô-ô, a Buddhist adibuddha, Japanese. Artist: Unknown
Poster advertising Castrol motor oil. Artist: Unknown
Arrow Collar and Shirt Style Book, American, 1913. Artist: Unknown
Sir Henry Segrave, c1920-c1930. Artist: Unknown
Presentation to Sir Henry Segrave after successful Land Speed Record attempt, 1929. Artist: Unknown
Manfred von Brauchitsch in a Mercedes-Benz, French Grand Prix, Montlhéry, 1934. Artist: Unknown
Boys shooting with bows and arrows in Hampstead, London, c1950s. Artist: Henry Grant
Killing Birds of Paradise, New Guinea, 1908. Artist: Unknown
Von Brauchitsch with a 3 litre Mercedes Benz at the Donington Grand Prix, 1938. Artist: Unknown
1929 Golden Arrow. Artist: Unknown