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'Arethusa Pursued by Alpheus and Turned into a Fountain', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Neptune and Amymone', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Moon and Endymion', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Apollo and Diana kill Niobe's Children with their arrows: she is turned to stone, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Lady hunting with a hound, 14th centuy, (1833). Artist: Unknown
Hunting Dresses, 15th century, (1833). Artist: Unknown
'Wogulski Tartars on the Frontiers of Siberia', c1740. Artist: Unknown
'Ostiacks on the Banks of the River Oby', c 1700. Artist: Unknown
'A Male Savage of Terra del Fuego', 1795. Creator: J Chapman.
'Saint Sebastian', 1642.  Artist: Guercino
'Cupid', early 17th century. Artist: Anthony van Dyck
The death of Maricha, 1913.  Artist: K Venkatappa
'The Trial of the Princes', 1913.  Artist: Nandalal Bose
'Saint Sebastian', 1474.  Artist: Sandro Botticelli
'Rama Drawing the Great Bow', 1925. Artist: Unknown
'Tiglath-Pileser I directed by Ninib', 1916.  Artist: Evelyn Paul
'King Magnus in the marsh at Downpatrick', Ireland, 1103 (1913). Artist: Morris Meredith Williams
'William continued his wonderful archery', 1910. Artist: Unknown
'Ulysses Shoots the First Arrow at the Wooers', 1926.  Artist: Henry Justice Ford
Sir Henry Segrave, American-born British world speed record driver, 1930. Artist: Unknown
Death of William II of England, 1100 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Robert, Duke of Normandy, captured at the Battle of Tinchebraye, Normandy, 1106 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Arrow slit, Braganca Castle, Portugal, 2009. Artist: Samuel Magal
Death of King Harold, Battle of Hastings, 1066 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
William II, King of England from 1087, (1932). Artist: Rosalind Thornycroft
A Moorish citadel in Carmona, Spain, 2007. Artist: Samuel Magal
A group of Antis (Ashaninkas), Peru, 1895. Artist: Unknown
The archers of Kiing Darius, Susa, Iran, 1933-1934. Artist: Unknown
Caraya Indians, South America, 1895. Artist: Unknown
Siege weapons, 1842. Artist: Friedrich Martin von Reibisch
The death of General Edward Braddock (c1695-1755), 1755 (19th century).Artist: Bill
'Venus', c1520s (1849).Artist: Jacob Binck
Formosan people and costumes, 1895.Artist: A Bertrand
'Martyrdom of St Sebastian', 1473-1475 (1870). Artist: Hotelin
Iowas, Fort Leavenworth, Lower Missouri, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Grand Pawnees, Fort Leavenworth, Lower Missouri, 1841.Artist: Tofswill and Myers
Three Osage braves, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Comanche chief, the great Comanche village, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Delawares and Mohicans, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Native American male with weapons and headdress, riding a horse, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Native Americans hunting buffalo, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Armour and weapons of the 13th century (1882-1884). Artist: Unknown
Eskimo kayak, 1590 (1956). Artist: Unknown
Archery practice at the CISWO paraplegic centre, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, 1960. Artist: Michael Walters
Native American hunters dancing wearing buffalo masks, 1841.Artist: Myers and Co
Archers, Landskrona, Sweden, 1954. Artist: Unknown
Advert for Gibbs Solid Dentifrice, 1922. Artist: Unknown
Murder of White's assistant, c1580s (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Captain John Smith taken prisoner by the Indians, Virgina, 1607 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
'Indians Hunting the Bison', 1843. Artist: Carl Vogel
'Indian Utensils and Arms', 1843. Artist: Du Casse
'A Chinese Officer', 19th century. Artist: E Karnejeff
Rameses II at the Battle of Kadesh, 1275 BC (19th century). Artist: Bigant and Allais
Richard I, King of England, 1194 (1824). Artist: Unknown
Bows and arrows from the 14th-15th century, 1842. Artist: Friedrich Martin von Reibisch
Soldiers and artillery of the 15th century besieging a walled town, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
The encounter between Hernando Cortes and Montezuma II, Mexico, 1519 (c1820-1839). Artist: Gallo Gallina
Battle of Agincourt, France, 25 October 1415, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
Genghis Khan, Mongol warrior and conqueror, (1780). Artist: Pierre Duflos
Artemis fountain, Hyde Park, London, 1926-1927. Artist: McLeish