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Winnebago Tribe, North American Indian Double headed Drum. Artist: Unknown.
Pot Showing Deer,  Zuni Tribe, Pueblo Indian. Artist: Unknown.
Taoist Symbol in arrow shape, with trigrams of the I-Ching, Han Dynasty, 206 BC-220. Artist: Unknown.
Athenian? (or Laconian?) black-figure plate depicting Heracles and Apollo fighting over a deer, c560 Artist: Unknown.
Assassin aiming an arrow at a king seated on a balcony, c1830. Artist: Unknown.
Battle scene between armies of devas and asuras, early 19th century. Artist: Unknown.
Tiger in a cave, c1810. Artist: Unknown.
The Triumph of Galatea, 16th century. Artist: Unknown.
The First Horseman, identified with Roman Emperor Gaius (AD37-41), 14th-15th century. Artist: Master Bertram of Hamburg.
Detail from the Francois Vase, Etruscan Tomb Find, c6th century BC. Artists: Ergotimos, Kleitias.
Richard I, King of England. Artist: Unknown.
'Ancient Britons, in their most uncultivated State', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
'Death of William Rufus', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
'Black Arrow', 1911. Artist: Unknown.
'Wedda', 1926. Artist: Unknown.
'Wedda mit Bogen, Pfeilen und Beil', 1926. Artist: Unknown.
'Wedda mit Bogen und Pfeilen', 1926. Artist: Unknown.
Medieval archer firing through an arrow slit at Beeston Castle, Cheshire. Artist: Ivan Lapper.
Winter Solstice , Plate 5 from Globi coelestis in tabulas planas redacti descriptio, 1674.
Death or Liberty! Or Britannia & the Virtues of the Constitution in danger of Violation …, 1819.
The Constellations (Plate X), 1822.
'A Man of the Time of Richard I', 1907. Artist: Dion Clayton Calthrop.
'The Death of Robin Hood', c1835, (1912). Artist: Thales Fielding.
Robin Hood, legendary English folk hero and outlaw and champion of the poor, early 19th century. Artist: Unknown.
'Edmund, King of East Anglia, killed by the Danes', 9th Century (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
'Stratagem of Lord Fauconbridge at Towton', 1461 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
'Diana Leaving the Bath with One of Her Companions', 1742, (1911). Artist: Francois Boucher.
'The Shepheard's Calendar - March', 1898, (1923). Artist: Walter Crane.
'Flight of Sir Walter Tyrrel. Horse of the Period', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
'Bertrand de Gourdon before Richard', c1860, (c1860). Artist: John Leech.
Rufus Stone, New Forest Hants, c1900. Artist: Poulton & Co.
'Helene - Femme De Menelas', 1403, (1939). Artist: Master of Berry's Cleres Femmes.
'Zenobie - Reine De Palmyre', 1403, (1939). Artist: Master of Berry's Cleres Femmes.
'Charge of the Scots at Halidon Hill', 19 July 1333, (c1880). Artist: Unknown.
'Surrender of the King of France at Poitiers', September 1356, (c1880). Artist: Unknown.
'Robin Hood and Little John', 1845. Artist: Unknown.
'Archers', c1887, (1901). Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
Trophy. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Morris Minor of KC McGuffie competing in the MCC Exeter Trial, Blackhill, Dorset, 1930. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Triumph of J Cramer-Parry passing an official's Riley, MCC Exeter Trial, Blackhill, Dorset, 1930. Artist: Bill Brunell.
'Study for a St. Sebastian', c1480 (1945). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
'Veddahs or Wild Men', c1890, (1910). Artist: Alfred William Amandus Plate.
'Hyperion', c1881, (1917). Artist: George Frederick Watts.
'Progress', c1888, (1917). Artist: George Frederick Watts.
'Madame Jane Kelleway as Diana, 17th century, (1910). Artist: Peter Lely.
'The Ages of Man - Manhood', c1710-1740, (1910). Artist: Nicolas Lancret.
'Alexander at the Battle with Porus', 326 BC (c1912). Artist: Unknown.
W Wright's Morris Minor with body by Arrow competing in the Inter-Varsity Trial, November 1931. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Austin 7 with Arrow body, B&HMC Brighton-Beer Trial, Fingle Bridge Hill, Devon, 1934. Artist: Bill Brunell.
Devils Arrows, Boroughbridge, Yorkshire, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
William II, King of England from 1087, (1932). Artist: Rosalind Thornycroft.
Wakefield Trophy. Artist: Unknown.
Wakefield Trophy. Artist: Unknown.
Wakefield Trophy. Artist: Unknown.
Wakefield Trophy. Artist: Unknown.
Wakefield Trophy. Artist: Unknown.
'The Death of Wat Tyler', 1859. Artist: John Rogers.
'States General', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
'States General Jack', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
Flowers: Aloes, Arnica, Arrow Root, Barley, Balm Mint, Burdock, c1940.  Artist: Unknown.