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A Dutch Ship coming to Anchor, 1657. Artist: Velde, Willem van de, the Younger (1633-1707)
A Dutch Ship, a Yacht and Smaller Vessels in a Breeze, c. 1660. Artist: Velde, Willem van de, the Younger (1633-1707)
A Dutch Yacht saluting, 1661. Artist: Velde, Willem van de, the Younger (1633-1707)
Time unveiling Truth, 1733. Artist: Troy, Jean-François de (1679-1752)
Merry Company with Fortune Teller, 1631. Artist: Valentin de Boullogne (1591-1632)
The Four Ages of Man, c. 1629. Artist: Valentin de Boullogne (1591-1632)
Ceres and Harvesting Cupids, c. 1635. Artist: Vouet, Simon (1590-1649)
Bacchus, Ceres and Amor, ca. 1600. Artist: Aachen, Hans von (1552-1615)
The Crucifixion, 1506-1520. Artist: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553)
The ill-assorted Couple, c. 1495. Artist: Dürer, Albrecht (1471-1528)
Saint Lawrence prepared for Martyrdom, ca 1601. Artist: Elsheimer, Adam (1578-1610)
None of the two (Ni L'Un, Ni L'Autre), Early 19th cen.. Artist: Fleischmann, Friedrich (1791-1834)
The Judgement of Paris, Mid of 16th cen.. Artist: German master
Peasant with Coins, Second Half of the 18th cen.. Artist: Hess, Carl Ernst Christoph (1755-1828)
Judith in the Tent of Holofernes, c. 1622. Artist: Liss, Johann (1597-1631)
Mercury piping to Argus, 1655-1657. Artist: Loth, Johann Karl (1632-1698)
Saint Lawrence, 17th century. Artist: Adrianoupolitis, Konstantinos (active 17th century)
The Lute Player, 1622. Artist: Baburen, Dirck (Theodor), van (1595-1624)
Young man with jew's harp, 1621. Artist: Baburen, Dirck (Theodor), van (1595-1624)
Young Couple in a Tavern, 1661. Artist: Bega, Cornelis Pietersz. (1631/2-1664)
Banquet Still Life, 1667. Artist: Beijeren, Abraham Hendricksz, van (1620/21-1690)
The flute player, 1621. Artist: Bloemaert, Abraham (1566-1651)
Woman at her Dressing Table, c. 1645. Artist: Bol, Ferdinand (1616-1680)
Landscape with Nymphs. Artist: Both, Jan Dirksz (ca 1618-1652)
Allegory of Vanity, c. 1640. Artist: Bramer, Leonaert (1596-1674)
The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter, 17th century. Artist: Breenbergh, Bartholomeus (1598-1657)
A Poulterer's Shop, c. 1670. Artist: Dou, Gerard (Gerrit) (1613-1675)
Still Life with a Boy Blowing Soap-bubbles, c. 1635. Artist: Dou, Gerard (Gerrit) (1613-1675)
Mercury and Argus, 1645-1647. Artist: Fabritius, Carel (1622-1654)
Ahimelech giving the sword of Goliath to David, 1680s. Artist: Gelder, Aert de (1645-1727)
Memento mori. Artist: Vinne, Vincent Laurensz, van der (1629-1702)
The Judgement of Paris, 1716. Artist: Werff, Adriaen van der (1659-1722)
A Scene on the Ice near a Town, c. 1615. Artist: Avercamp, Hendrick (1585-1634)
A scene on the Ice, c.1630. Artist: Avercamp, Hendrick (1585-1634)
Dutch Men-of-war entering a Mediterranean Port, 1681. Artist: Bakhuizen, Ludolf (1630-1708)
Dutch Men-of-war and Small Vessels in a Fresh Breeze off Enkhuizen, 1683. Artist: Bakhuizen, Ludolf (1630-1708)
Flagship Eendracht and a Fleet of Dutch Men-of-war, c. 1670. Artist: Bakhuizen, Ludolf (1630-1708)
Still life with a silver pitcher, 1660s. Artist: Beijeren, Abraham Hendricksz, van (1620/21-1690)
Sumptuous still life, 1654. Artist: Beijeren, Abraham Hendricksz, van (1620/21-1690)
A Peasant playing a Hurdy-Gurdy to a Woman and Child, 1658. Artist: Berchem, Nicolaes (Claes) Pietersz, the Elder (1620-1683)
Otto van der Waeyen in a Polish costume, 1656. Artist: Bol, Ferdinand (1616-1680)
A Woman scouring a Pot, c. 1650-1660. Artist: Bosch, Pieter van den (ca. 1613-1663)
A courtyard, c. 1660. Artist: Boursse, Esaias (1631-1672)
The Finding of the Infant Moses by Pharaoh's Daughter, 1636. Artist: Breenbergh, Bartholomeus (1598-1657)
Diana and Callisto, 1620s. Artist: Brill, Paul (1554-1626)
Table with lobster, silver jug, big Berkemeyer, fruit bowl, violin and books, 1641. Artist: Claesz, Pieter (c. 1597-1660)
Still Life with Turkey Pie, 1627. Artist: Claesz, Pieter (c. 1597-1660)
Still Life with Drinking Vessels, 1649. Artist: Claesz, Pieter (c. 1597-1660)
A Woman holding a Mirror, 1625. Artist: Codde, Pieter (1599-1678)
Interior with a Woman eating Porridge. Artist: Dou, Gerard (Gerrit) (1613-1675)
A calm sea, 1655-1657. Artist: Dubbels, Hendrick Jacobsz. (1621-1707)
An Interior, with a Woman refusing a Glass of Wine, c. 1660. Artist: Dutch master
Amor Holding a Glass Orb, 1650-1660. Artist: Everdingen, Caesar Boëtius van (1616-1678)
Portrait of King Henry IV of France, ca. 1600. Artist: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617)
Portrait of a Woman, 1635. Artist: Hals, Frans I (1581-1666)
Portrait of a Woman with a Fan, c. 1640. Artist: Hals, Frans I (1581-1666)
Young Man holding a Skull (Vanitas), 1627. Artist: Hals, Frans I (1581-1666)
Still Life with a Nautilus Cup, c. 1645. Artist: Heda, Gerrit Willemsz. (c. 1625-1649)
Still Life with a Lobster, c. 1650-1660. Artist: Heda, Willem Claesz (1594-1680)
Still Life: Pewter, Silver Vessels and a Crab, ca 1636. Artist: Heda, Willem Claesz (1594-1680)