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Smoker', c1655. Creator: Ostade, Adriaen Jansz, van (1610-1685).
Esau and Jacob', 1640s. Creator: Stomer, Matthias (ca.1600-after 1650).
Flautist', 1630s. Creator: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690).
Portrait of a woman, 1649.  Creator: Helst, Bartholomeus van der (1613-1670).
Portrait of a man', 1632.  Creator: Keyser, Thomas de (1597-1651).
Tarquinius and Lucretia'. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705).
Susanna and the Elders'.  Creator: Albani, Francesco (1578-1660).
Virgin and Child'.  Creator: Trevisani, Francesco (1656-1746).
Virgin and Child'.  Creator: Maratta, Carlo (1625-1713).
The Healing of Blind Man of Jericho'.  Creator: Ricci, Sebastiano (1659-1734).
Merrymeeting', 17th century. Creator: Miel, Jan (1599-1664).
Merrymeeting'. Creator: Horemans, Jan Joseph, the Elder (1682-1759).
The Peasant's Meal'.  Creator: Cipper, Giacomo Francesco (1664-1736).
The Parable of the Wedding Feast', 1737. Creator: Platzer, Johann Georg (1704-1761).
Diana and Actaeon', 1743. Creator: Prenner, Georg Kaspar, von (1720-1766).
The Rape of Europe', 1621.  Creator: Koenig, Johannes (1586-1632/1635).
Christ and Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well'. Creator: Koenig, Johannes (1586-1632/1635).
The Holy Family with John the Baptist'. Creator: Rottenhammer, Johann (Hans), the Elder (1564-1625).
Provost and Municipal Magistrates of Paris', 1689. Creator: Largillière, Nicolas, de (1656-1746).
Portrait of Abraham van der Doort', before 1640. Creator: Dobson, William (c. 1610-1646).
The Denial of Saint Peter', 1620s. Creator: Seghers, Gerard  .
Frozen Lake', 1648. Creator: Ostade, Isaac van  .
Still Life with a Collection of Curiosities', 17th century. Creator: Borcht, Hendrik the Younger, van der (1614-1676).
Sketch of a Fresco for the Santa Maria del Popolo Church in Rome. Creator: Maratta, Carlo (1625-1713).
Portrait of a Woman', 1670. Creator: Tempel, Abraham Lambert Jacobsz, van den (1622-1672).
Virgin and Child'.
Roman Charity', 1620s.  Creator: Vouet, Simon (1590-1649).
The Baptism of St. Cornelius the Centurion', 17th century. Creator: Corneille, Michel, the Elder (ca. 1601-1664).