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Interior with a Mother delousing her Child's Hair (A Mother's Duty), 1659-1660. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
A Woman Directing a Young Man With a Letter, 1670. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
Interior with Women beside a Linen Chest, 1663. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
A company in the courtyard behind a house, 1663-1665. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
A Woman and her Maid in a Courtyard, ca 1661. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
A Musical Party in a Courtyard, 1677. Artist: Hooch, Pieter, de (1629-1684)
Still Life with Silver Jug, c. 1655-1656. Artist: Kalf, Willem (1619-1693)
Still Life with the Drinking-Horn of the Saint Sebastian Archers' Guild, Lobster and Glasses, c. 1653. Artist: Kalf, Willem (1619-1693)
Portrait of a Lady, 1632. Artist: Keyser, Thomas de (1597-1651)
The Grote Markt at The Hague, 1760. Artist: La Fargue, Paulus Constantijn (1729-1782)
Old Woman Reading, 1626-1633. Artist: Lievens, Jan (1607-1674)
A Woman scraping Parsnips, with a Child standing by her, 1655. Artist: Maes, Nicolaes (1634-1693)
A Woman seated at a Table and a Man tuning a Violin, c. 1657–1658. Artist: Metsu, Gabriel (1629-1667)
An Old Woman with a Book, c. 1660. Artist: Metsu, Gabriel (1629-1667)
A Woman and a Fish-pedlar in a Kitchen, 1713. Artist: Mieris, Willem van (1662-1747)
A Frozen River by a Town at Evening, ca 1665. Artist: Neer, Aert, van der (1603-1677)
A Frozen River near a Village, with Golfers and Skaters, c. 1647-1648. Artist: Neer, Aert, van der (1603-1677)
Judith, ca 1679. Artist: Neer, Eglon Hendrik, van der (1634-1703)
Two Boys blowing Bubbles, c. 1670. Artist: Netscher, Caspar (1639-1684)
An English Vessel and Dutch Ships Becalmed, c. 1660. Artist: Velde, Willem van de, the Younger (1633-1707)
A Musical Party, 1631. Artist: Velsen, Jacob, van (1597-1656)
The Girl with the Wineglass, 1659-1660. Artist: Vermeer, Jan (Johannes) (1632-1675)
The Glass of Wine, ca 1661. Artist: Vermeer, Jan (Johannes) (1632-1675)
Portrait of a Girl in Blue, 1641. Artist: Verspronck, Johannes Cornelisz. (1600/3-1662)
A Dutch Man-of-war and Various Vessels in a Breeze, c. 1640. Artist: Vlieger, Simon de (1601-1653)
Christ and the Samaritan Woman, ca 1595. Artist: Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
Portrait of the Lute Player Giulio Mascheroni, ca 1594. Artist: Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
Saint Peter, 1604-1607. Artist: Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
The Assumption of the Virgin, 1604-1607. Artist: Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
Self-portrait, 1580s. Artist: Carracci, Annibale (1560-1609)
The Annunciation, 1603-1604. Artist: Carracci, Lodovico (1555-1619)
David with the Head of Goliath, c. 1650. Artist: Guercino (1591-1666)
Esther before Ahasuerus. Artist: Bigari, Vittorio Maria (1692-1776)
Susannah and the Elders, 1616. Artist: Carracci, Lodovico (1555-1619)
The Vision of Saint Francis, ca 1586. Artist: Carracci, Lodovico (1555-1619)
The Luteplayer. Artist: Crespi, Giuseppe Maria (1665-1747)
Apollo with Three Graces, Venus, Cupid and Pan. Artist: Franceschini, Marcantonio (1648-1729)
Where gold speaks, every tongue is silent. (Dove l'oro parla, ogni lingua tace), 1678. Artist: Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria (1634-1718)
Opportunity makes a thief. (La commodità fa l'uomo ladro), 1678. Artist: Mitelli, Giuseppe Maria (1634-1718)
Christ embracing Saint John the Baptist, c. 1640. Artist: Reni, Guido (1575-1642)
Susannah and the Elders, 1622-1625. Artist: Reni, Guido (1575-1642)
The Adoration of the Magi (The Annunciation retable with 5 Predella scenes), 1430-1432. Artist: Angelico, Fra Giovanni, da Fiesole (ca. 1400-1455)
Saint Lawrence Distributing Alms to the Poor. Scenes from the Life of Saint Lawrence, predella, ca 1412. Artist: Lorenzo di Niccolò (active 1391-1414)
Saint Lawrence Arraigned Before the Emperor Valerian. Scenes from the Life of Saint Lawrence, predella, ca 1412. Artist: Lorenzo di Niccolò (active 1391-1414)
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence. Scenes from the Life of Saint Lawrence, predella, ca 1412. Artist: Lorenzo di Niccolò (active 1391-1414)
Saint Lawrence Liberates Souls from Purgatory. Scenes from the Life of Saint Lawrence, predella, ca 1412. Artist: Lorenzo di Niccolò (active 1391-1414)
Saint Lawrence Intercedes for the Soul of Emperor Henry II. Scenes from the Life of Saint Lawrence, predella, ca 1412. Artist: Lorenzo di Niccolò (active 1391-1414)
Saint Lawrence Buried in Saint Stephens Tomb. Scenes from the Life of Saint Lawrence, predella, ca 1412. Artist: Lorenzo di Niccolò (active 1391-1414)
Cupid as Victor, ca 1601. Artist: Caravaggio, Michelangelo (1571-1610)
Abraham Sacrificing Isaac, 1603-1604. Artist: Caravaggio, Michelangelo (1571-1610)
The vision of Saint Francis, 1640s. Artist: Cortona, Pietro da (1596-1669)
Saint Cecilia, 1620-1625. Artist: Cortona, Pietro da (1596-1669)
Judith and Holofernes, c. 1621. Artist: Gentileschi, Artemisia (1598-1653)
Hagar Leaves the House of Abraham. Artist: Mola, Pier Francesco (1612-1666)
The Purification of the Temple, after 1550. Artist: Venusti, Marcello (1512/15-1579)
Still life with Musical Instruments, Books and Sculpture, c. 1650. Artist: Baschenis, Evaristo (1617-1677)
Christ Driving the Money Lenders from the Temple, 1580-1585. Artist: Scarsellino (Scarsella), Ippolito (1551-1620)
The Institution of the Eucharist, c.1490-1495. Artist: De' Roberti, Ercole (c. 1450-1496)
Meeting between Esau and Jacob, 1636-1641. Artist: Bottala, Giovanni Maria (1613-1644)
Jacob's Return, ca 1647-1651. Artist: Castiglione, Giovanni Benedetto (1610-1665)