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Stonehenge, Phase 3, c20th century BC, (c1990-2010). Artist: Mike Seaforth.
Stonehenge landscape, c17th century BC, (c1990-2010). Artist: Peter Dunn.
Rievaulx Abbey, 13th century, (c1990-2010). Artist: Peter Dunn.
Shrine at Nornour, Isles of Scilly, 3rd century, (c1990-2010). Artist: Peter Dunn.
Sandbach Crosses, 9th century, (c1990-2010). Artist: Peter Dunn.
Stoney Littleton Long Barrow, c3500BC, (c1990-2010). Artist: Ivan Lapper.
Ceremonial procession Avebury Stone Circle shrine, Wiltshire, 3rd Millennium BC, (c1990-2010).  Artist: Ivan Lapper.
The Chapel, Clifford's Tower, late 14th century, (c1990-2010). Artist: Peter Dunn.
Knowlton neolithic ritual henge, (c1990-2010). Artist: Ivan Lapper.
Ceremony at Grime's Graves, Neolithic, (c1990-2010) Artist: Peter Dunn.
Glastonbury, 7th century, (1990-2010). Artist: Judith Dobie.
'The Second Annunciation', c1455, (1939). Artist: Jean Fouquet.
'The Virgin's Coronation', c1455, (1939). Artist: Jean Fouquet.
'The Sunset Prayer in the Desert', c1913. Artist: Charles JS Makin.
'Prayer', c1880, (1904). Artist: Robert George Talbot Kelly.
'A Zikr', c1880, (1904). Artist: Robert George Talbot Kelly.
'Prayer in the Desert', c1880, (1904). Artist: Robert George Talbot Kelly.
'The Golden Temple, Amritzar', c1880 (1905). Creator: Alexander Henry Hallam Murray.
'The Temple of the Tooth, Kandy - Interior', c1880 (1905). Creator: Alexander Henry Hallam Murray.
'Adoration of the Magi - Right-hand lower portion', c1481 (1945). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
'Adoration of the Magi - Heads of the group behind the kneeling king on the right', c1481 (1945). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
'Adoration of the Shepherd and Separate Study of a Shepherd', c1480 (1945). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
'Corpus Domini at Viterbo', c1900 (1913). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
'The Baptistery of S. Giovanni', c1900 (1913). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
'The Blue Mosque', c1905, (1912). Artist: Walter Frederick Roofe Tyndale.
'Cast of Drapery for a Figure Kneeling to the Left', c1475 (1945). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
'San Antonio Abad Visita A San Pablo', (San Antonio Abad visits Saint Paul), 1634, (c1934). Artist: Diego Velasquez.
'La Venida Del Espiritu Santo', (The coming of the Holy Spirit), 1514-1519, (c1934).  Artist: El Greco.
'St. John the Baptist and the Franciscan master Henry of Werl', 1438, (c1934). Artist: Robert Campin.
'La Fiesta De Venus', (The Worship of Venus), 1518-1519, (c1934). Artist: Titian.
A Procession of Flagellants', 1812-1819 (1939). Artist: Francisco Goya.
'Chartres', c1820 (1915). Artist: Samuel Prout.
'Sir Christopher Wren's Final Design for St Paul's', 17th century. (1910). Artist: Sir Christopher Wren.
'And When The Angel Showed Him The Names Of Those Whom Love Of God Had Blest', 1916, (1917). Artist: Edmund Joseph Sullivan.
'The Night of Good Friday', c1892, (1917). Artist: Johann Heinrich Hofmann.
'Pilgrims, at end of weary ascent, in worship encircling crater of sacred Fujiyama, Japan', 1904. Artist: Unknown.
'Majestic calm of the great bronze Buddha, reverenced for six centuries, Kamakura, Japan, 1904. Artist: Unknown.
''Hall of a Thousand Mats, whereJapanese Soldiers hang Lucky Spoons, Myajima, Japan', 1905.  Artist: Unknown.
'Venice', c1830 (1915). Artist: Samuel Prout.
'Sleepy Congregation', 1785. Artist: John Kay.
'L'Yncas consacre son Vaze au Soleil', c1723.
'L'Yncas vient recevoir les Orfrandes que ses Sujets font au Soleil', c1723. Artist: Unknown.
'In the courtyard of the Golden Temple. Amritsar, India', 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Interieur de l'Eglise de Waterloo', c1830. Artist: Unknown.
'Roman Catholic Chapel, Moorfields. Celebration of High Mass on Christmas Day', c1841. Artist: Henry Melville.
'Illustration for The Altar Book', 1892, (1897). Artist: Robert Anning Bell.
'St. Martin in Heaven', (1896). Artist: Ford Madox Brown.
'Thorpe Church', c1911, (1914). Artist: James S Ogilvy.
Easter Sunday service at the Greek Church, Bayswater, London, c1903 (1903). Artist: Unknown.
'Bougie - Grande Priere arabe 2e phase', c1900.  Artist: Unknown.
Sunday morning service in the Church of St Peter ad Vincula, London, c1903 (1903). Artist: Unknown.
Venus Verticordia (Venus the changer of hearts), 1868. Artist: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)
'The Madonna Enthroned and Two Donors in Adoration', 1374. Artist: Barnaba da Modena.
'The Coronation of the Virgin', 1374. Artist: Barnaba da Modena.
'Mystic Nativity', 1500, (1909). Artist: Sandro Botticelli.
'The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor', 1510, (1909). Artist: Gerard David.
'Madonna of the Meadow', c1500. Artist: Giovanni Bellini.
'The Presentation of Christ in the Temple: An altar-piece,' c1434. Artist: Jacques Daret.
'The Thanksgiving Service in St. Paul's Cathedral', 1906. Artist: Unknown.
'The Ceremonies Observed in Every Province & City of China, On the Occasion of an Eclipse'. Artist: JW Giles.