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28pages, 1,621 results in yourKeywordsearch for"worship"Advanced Search
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'There Was No Room At The Inn', 1935. Artist: Edward Stott.
'Family Worship', c1870. Artist: Edward Henry Corbould.
'The Adoration of the Magi', 1504. Artist: Albrecht Durer.
''The Stone of Unction', 1855. Artist: David Roberts.
'The Cardinal', 1898. Artist: Gaston la Touche.
'The Presentation of Christ in the Temple', 15th century. Artist: Jacques Daret.
'Martyrdom of St. Thomas of Canterbury', c1484. Artist: William Caxton.
'Solomon and the Queen of Sheba',  c1534. Artist: Hans Holbein the Younger.
'Corean Painting, of the Great Buddhist priest P'eng Yen of the T'ai Yen hall', c16th century. Artists: Unknown, Edward Wenham.
'The Virgin and Child with an Angel', c1480. Artist: Hans Memling.
'Maarten van Nieuwenhove, from The Diptych of Maerten van Nieuwenhove', 1487. Artist: Hans Memling.
'Virgin and Child with Saints Francis and Lucy', 1583. Artist: Alessandro Allori
'Virgin adoring the child with the young St John the Baptist', late 15th century. Artist: Sandro Botticelli.
'Interior of St Peter's, Rome', 1824-1885. Artist: John Scarlett Davis.
'The Tiber with the temple of Vesta', 1828. Artist: Penry Williams.
'Mass for the reapers', 1820-1885. Artist: Penry Williams.
'Kairouan, the last glow', 1880-1936. Artist: Terrick Williams
'Two women seated in church', 1896-1939. Artist: Gwendolen Mary John
'Adoration of the Eucharist', 1677-1747. Artist: Francesco Solimena.
'The book of life', 1882-1936. Artist: Edgar Herbert Thomas
'The Virgin and Child with Angels: Leaf of the Wilton Diptych', c1395. (1941). Artist: Unknown.
Virgin and Child with Saint Lorenzo Giustiniani and Zeno, 1874, (1903).
The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Dominic, c1485, (1911). Artist: Filippino Lippi
The Navitity, c1470, (1911). Artist: Piero della Francesca
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena, 1511, (1911). Artist: Fra Bartolomeo
A Shrine In Venice, c1820-1870, (1924). Artist: James Holland
The Adoration of the Kings, c1510, (1938). Artist: Jan Gossaert
The Vigil, c1884, (1938). Artist: John Pettie
Lord Penzance, judge of the Court of Arches, 1896. Artist: Unknown
A tapestry featuring Henry VIII, Edward VI and Elizabeth I. Thought to be Elizabethan, (1914). Artist: Unknown
The Adoration of the Kings, 1564, (1937). Artist: Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Angels present to God the souls of the newly elected, early 16th century. Artist: Domenico Grimani
The Feast of Venus (The festival of Venus Verticordia). Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
Bull-Leaping (from the Palace Complex of Knossos). Artist: Bronze Age culture
The First Mass, (1519), 1910s. Artist: Unknown
Adoration of the Child, c1480 (1907). Artist: Master of the St Bartholomew Altarpiece
An Altar-Piece by The Maitre de Flemalle, 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Madonna surrounded by flowers, 1662. Artist: Ykens, Frans (1601-1693)
The Offering to Venus, 1518-1519. Artist: Titian (1488-1576)
Human skull with features modelled in clay and painted, from New Guinea. Artist: Unknown
Mayan sculpture of a sun-god. Artist: Unknown
Ivory plaque of a reliquary from the treasure of St Denis, 10th century. Artist: Unknown
A mosaic of George of Antioch before the Virgin Mary, 15th century. Artist: Unknown
Detail from a painting of the adoration of the Magi. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian grave-slab showing the cosmos. Artist: Unknown
Depiction of a man and his wife making offerings to Osiris. Artist: Unknown
The Sumerian 'Blau Tablet', 30th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Skull from Jericho, modelled with plaster and shells. Artist: Unknown
Detail of an early Sumerian stone tablet. Artist: Unknown
Sculpture of worship of the sun-disc, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
The Worship of the Egyptian Bull God, Apis, c. 1500. Artist: Lippi, Filippino, (School)
Statue of Serapis, Greco- Egyptian God of the Underworld. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Serapis, Greco- Egyptian God of the Underworld. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Serapis, Greco- Egyptian God of the Underworld. Artist: Unknown
'The Adoration of the Golden Calf', late 1620s.  Artist: Frans Francken II
'The Adoration of the Golden Calf', c1635. Artist: Nicolas Poussin
Terracotta model of a shrine, from Cyprus. Artist: Unknown
Detail from a Greek pot showing various deities, 7th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail of the Last Supper of Salonika embroidered on vestments, 14th century. Artist: Unknown
Early bronze age sun-chariot from Trundholm Bog. Artist: Unknown