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Queen Victoria and Prince Albert at a service in St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, 1838. Artist: James Baker Pyne
'Worship According to the Armenian Church'.Artist: T Brown
Hero worship: detail from 'The Intervention of the Sabine Women', 1799 (1956). Artist: Unknown
'The Way of the Cross in Catalonia', 1895.Artist: Professor Berthold
Riding to Daijingu Temple, for Shinto festival of worship of the Sun Goddess, Yokohama, Japan, 1904.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Devout woman stroking a bronze bull to cure rheumatism, Kitano Tenjin temple, Kyoto, Japan, 1904. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Coming and going under long rows of sacred torii, Shinto temple of Inari, Kyoto, Japan, 1904. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Japanese women washing their hands prior to entering a temple, 1936.Artist: Sport & General
'Coolies at worship', Jamaica, c1905.Artist: Adolphe Duperly & Son
Detail of a panel from a memorial window in Trinity Hall, City of London, 1750.                      Artist: Anon
Saint Genevieve promises to save Lutece, Middle Ages. 19th Century. Artist: Eugène Delacroix
'The Virgin and Child Jesus with Saint Bernard,' 18th century.   Artist: Paul Troger
Appearance of Christ to the Virgin, 1531.  Artist: Garcia Fernandes
Assumption of the Virgin, c1491-1518. Artist: Vicente Gil
Altarpiece of St Vincent, 1460. Artist: Nuno Goncalves
'The Madonna in Majesty' (Maestà), 1285-1286. Artist: Cimabue
'Madonna and Child', 15th century. Artist: Petrus Christus
The Baptism of Christ, 16th century. Artist: Anon
Adoration of the Magi, 1380s. Artist: Bartolo di Fredi
'The Martyrdom of St Agatha', c1756. Artist: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo
'The Assumption of the Virgin', 17th/early 18th century. Artist: Charles de la Fosse
'The Carmelite Nuns in the Warming Hall', mid 18th century. Artist: Charles Guillot
'The Adoration of the Trinity' (The Landauer Altarpiece), 1511. Artist: Albrecht Dürer
Pharaoh Horemheb with the goddess Isis and the god Horus, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, queen and wife of the Pharaoh Akhenaten, Ancient Egyptian, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Nefertiti, Egyptian queen and consort of Akhenaten, 14th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'The Adoration of the Magi', late 15th-early 16th century. Artist: Perugino
Icon of Mary the Mother of God, Russian, 17th century. Artist: Unknown
'St Mary, Queen of Heaven and the Earth', 19th century. Artist: Anon
Jesus healing the multitudes, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Christ healing the lepers at Capernaum, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Ferdinand I of Aragon and his Queen at prayer, 1417 (mid 19th century). Artist: Unknown
'Mass in the country around Rome', late 18th/early 19th century. Artist: Nicolas Antoine Taunay
'Mass said by the canon de la Porte, or the main altar of Notre Dame, Paris', 1708-1710. Artist: Unknown
'Tobit and Anna', 1626. Artist: Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
'The Adoration of the Magi', 1632. Artist: Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn
'Epiphany', late 14th/early 15th century. Artist: Taddeo di Bartolo
'Annunciation', 1516-1517. Artist: Jean Bellegambe
'Adoration of the Magi', 1507. Artist: Hans Baldung
'Heures a lusaige de Romme, Paris, Pigouchet for Vostre', 20 December, 1502, (1910). Artist: Unknown
'A Prayer to the Madonna', c1877-1912, (1912).Artist: Maurice Bompard
'The Blessed Bread', c1879, (1912).Artist: Pascal Adolphe Jean Dagnan-Bouveret
'Madonna and Child with Canon Joris van der Paele', 1436, (1870). Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos and Isis-Hathor, Temple of Sethos I, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Painted relief of Sethos before Osiris, Temple of Sethos, Abydos, Egypt, 19th Dynasty, c1280 BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Cleopatra and Caesarion, Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt, c125 BC-c60 AD. Artist: Unknown
Relief of Cleopatra and Caesarion, Temple of Hathor, Dendera, Egypt, c125 BC-c60 AD. Artist: Unknown
Horizontal detail of a relief of Cleopatra and Caesarion ,Temple of Hathor, c125 BC - c60 AD. Artist: Unknown
Vertical detail of a relief of Cleopatra and Caesarion, Temple of Hathor, Dendera, c125 BC-c60 AD. Artist: Unknown
Relief on the Roman Mammisi, Temple of Hathor, late Ptolemaic and Roman, c125 BC - c60 AD. Artist: Unknown
Relief of the goddess Hathor, Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period, c251 BC-c246 BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief of the Pharaoh between two goddesses, Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, c251BC-c246BC. Artist: Unknown
Close up of Pharaoh wearing Double Crown, Temple of Horus, Edfu, Egypt, c251-c246BC. Artist: Unknown
Relief depicting captives of war, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Reliefs in the Botanical Garden, Temple of Amun, Karnak, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
A sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
A sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
A sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt, c370 BC. Artist: Unknown
Frontal view of sphinx from the avenue of Sphinxes, Temple sacred to Amun Mut & Khons, Luxor, Egypt. Artist: Unknown