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Sacred bo-tree at Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka. Artist: Unknown
Roman wall-painting of Priests of Isis worshipping, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
Illustration of Sudama approaching the golden city of Khrishna. Artist: Unknown
Madonna and Child with Saint Anthony of Padua', 1660s. Creator: Celesti, Andrea (1637-1712).
Tablet showing King Hammurapi at worship, First Dynasty of Babylon, about 1760-1750 BC. Artist: Unknown
Statuette of a Babylonian worshipper, possibly Hammurabi, dedicated to the God Amurru. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian painting on a wooden shabti box. Artist: Unknown
Detail of the papyrus of Temnieu, showing the cosmos. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian elief stele of a man adoring Anubis. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian wall-painting showing the presentation of tribute by Semitic envoys. Artist: Unknown
Detail of an Egyptian funerary slab. Artist: Unknown
Image of the Egyptian creative myth from the Papyrus of Anhai. Artist: Unknown
Tablet showing King Hammurapi at worship, First Dynasty of Babylon, about 1760-1750 BC. Artist: Unknown
Detail from Mortlakes Tapestries, showing the miraculous draft of fishes, 17th century. Artist: Unknown
Worshipping before an idol, Shwedagon Pagoda, Rangoon, Burma, 1908. Artist: Stereo Travel Co
Picturesque Chinese joss house, Bhamo, Burma, 1908. Artist: Stereo Travel Co
Curious gateway, entrance to a joss house, Bhamo, Burma, 1908. Artist: Stereo Travel Co
Marble Buddha in a pagoda, Mandalay, Burma, 1908.  Artist: Stereo Travel Co
Tsarina Alexandra Fyodorovna visiting the Iberian Chapel, Moscow, Russia, 1900s. Artist: Unknown
Throne of the priest, Temple of Dionysus, Athens, Greece, late 19th or early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Avenue of Sphinxes, Karnak, Egypt, c1890. Artist: Newton & Co
Great Temple, Karnak, Egypt, c1890. Artist: Newton & Co
Pillars in the Great Hippostyle Hall, Temple of Karnak, Egypt. Artist: Tony Evans
In the Court of the Jumma Mosque, Delhi, India, 1903.  Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Nefertiti, Ancient Egyptian queen of the 18th dynasty, 14th century BC (1926).  Artist: Winifred Mabel Brunton
The Temple of Ten Thousand Idols in Japan, 1884.Artist: A Thom
Sir James Plaisted Wilde, judge of the Court of Arches, 1880.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
Chapel on board the prison hulk 'Warrior' at Woolwich, London, 1848. Artist: Unknown
Two Jain Tirthankaras or jina (ford-makers) and their devotees, Bundi region, India, c1720. Artist: Unknown
Reading from the Tablets of the Law in the Synagogue, 1831. Artist: Solomon Alexander Hart
'Worshippers in a Mosque', c1868-1938. Artist: Enrico Tarenghi
Service in the Synagogue during the reading from the Torah, 1868. Artist: Unknown
'Interior of a Synagogue during Prayer'. Artist: Unknown
'Rabbi', 1892. Artist: Jan Styka
'The Wailing Wall, Jerusalem', 19th century. Artist: Visily Ivanovithch Navosoff
Elevation of the Cross during a Russian Orthodox service, 19th century. Artist: Anon
'St Augustin, Bishop of Hippo in discussion'. Artist: Unknown
Representation of Sunne, 1834.   Artist: Anon
Mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Dayr al-Bahri, Egypt, c1457 BC. Artist: Unknown
Mortuary temple of Queen Hatshepsut, Dayr al-Bahri, Egypt, c1457 BC. Artist: Unknown
Massacre at Vassy, French Religious Wars, 1 March 1562 (1570). Creators: Jacques Tortorel, Jean Jacques Perrissin.
'Propitiatory Offerings for Departed Relatives', China, c1840.Artist: E Challis
Side wall of the chariot, Temple of the Sun, Konarak, India, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
The Hindu Trinity, c1800. Artist: Unknown
Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) heretic Egyptian pharaoh. Artist: Unknown
Interior of Hagia Sophia, Constantinople, Engraving, 1815. Artist: Unknown
Roman carving of the Ancient British goddess Sul at Bath, England. Artist: Unknown
Christ enthroned, late 9th century. Artist: Unknown
Solomon's prayer at the consecration of the Temple, c1870. Artist: Unknown
Hypostyle hall, temple of Amon-Re, Karnak, Ancient Egypt, 14th-13th century BC (1892). Artist: Unknown
Pilgrims at Mecca. Artist: Unknown
Temple of Ten Thousand Idols, Japan, 1880. Artist: Unknown
Hypostyle hall, temple of Amun-Re, Karnak, Egypt, 1878. Artist: P Sebah
Exterior of the Hypostyle hall, temple of Amun-Re, Karnak, Egypt, 1878. Artist: Unknown
Central alley of the great temple at Karnak, Egypt, 1878. Artist: Unknown
Lourdes grotto, St Mary's Chapel, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2010.
'Praying Girl', Italian painting of 19th century.  Artist: Roberto Ferruzzi
'Jews praying in the Synagogue on Yom Kippur', 1878.  Artist: Maurycy Gottlieb
Hunting deity with a dog. Artist: Unknown
'An Image worshipped by the Chingulais...', late 18th century. Artist: Unknown