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Mee-chéet-e-neuh, Wounded Bear's Shoulder, Wife of the Chief, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
O-ho-páh-sha, Small Whoop, a Distinguished Warrior, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Pah-shee-náu-shaw, a Warrior, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Seneca Steele, a Great Libertine, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Ah'-kay-ee-pix-en, Woman Who Strikes Many, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Arikara Village of Earth-Covered lodges, 1600 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Back View of Mandan Village, Showing the Cemetery, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Beautiful Grassy Bluffs, 110 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Belle Vue, Indian Agency of Major Dougherty, 870 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Bi-éets-ee-cure, Very Sweet Man, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Herds Crossing the Upper Missouri, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Bull Dance, Mandan O-kee-pa Ceremony, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Chá-tee-wah-née-che, No Heart, Chief of the Wah-ne-watch-to-nee-nah Band, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Chin-cha-pee, Fire Bug That Creeps, Wife of Pigeon's Egg Head, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Distant View of the Mandan Village, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Duhk-gits-o-ó-see, Red Bear, a Distinguished Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
E'e-a-chín-che-a, Red Thunder, Son of Black Moccasin, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Ee-áh-sá-pa, Black Rock, a Two Kettle Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Eé-hee-a-duck-cée-a, He Who Ties His Hair Before, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Eeh-tow-wées-ka-zeet, He Who Has Eyes Behind Him (also known as Broken Arm), a Foremost Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Eh-toh'k-pah-she-pée-shah, Black Moccasin, aged Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Floyd's Grave, Where Lewis and Clark Buried Sergeant Floyd in 1804, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Fort Union, Mouth of the Yellowstone River, 2000 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Ha-na-tá-nu-maúk, Wolf Chief, Head Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Háw-che-ke-súg-ga, He Who Kills the Osages, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Ha-wón-je-tah, One Horn, Head Chief of the Miniconjou Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
H'co-a-h'co-a-h'cotes-min, No Horns on His Head, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Hee-láh-dee, Pure Fountain, Wife of The Smoke, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Hee-oh'ks-te-kin, Rabbit's Skin Leggings, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Hidatsa Village, Earth-covered Lodges, on the Knife River, 1810 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Hongs-káy-dee, Great Chief, Son of The Smoke, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Hó-ra-tó-a, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
In-ne-ó-cose, Buffalo's Child, a Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
I-o-wáy, One of Black Hawk's Principal Warriors, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Jee-hé-o-hó-shah, Cannot Be Thrown Down, a Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Kay-a-gís-gis, a Young Woman, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Ki-hó-go-waw-shú-shee, Brave Chief, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
La-dóo-ke-a, Buffalo Bull, a Grand Pawnee Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Lá-shah-le-stáw-hix, Man Chief, a Republican Pawnee, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
La-wáh-he-coots-la-sháw-no, Brave Chief, a Skidi (Wolf) Pawnee, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
La-wée-re-coo-re-shaw-wee, War Chief, a Republican Pawnee, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Magnificent Clay Bluffs, 1800 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Mah-tó-che-ga, Little Bear, a Hunkpapa Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Mah-tó-he-ha, Old Bear, a Medicine Man, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Máh-to-tóh-pa, Four Bears, Second Chief in Mourning, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Máh-to-tóh-pa, Four Bears, Second Chief, in Full Dress, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Meach-o-shín-gaw, Little White Bear, a Distinguished Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Mi-néek-ee-súnk-te-ka, Mink, a Beautiful Girl, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Mong-shóng-sha, Bending Willow, Wife of Great Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Mouth of the Platte River, 900 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Múk-a-tah-mish-o-káh-kaik, Black Hawk, Prominent Sac Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Náh-se-ús-kuk, Whirling Thunder, Eldest Son of Black Hawk, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Né-hee-ó-ee-wóo-tis, Wolf on the Hill, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Nishnabottana Bluffs, 1070 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Nishnabottana Bluffs, Upper Missouri, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Nóm-ba-mon-nee, Double Walker, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
No-o-mún-nee, Walks in the Rain, a Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
No-wáy-ke-súg-gah, He Who Strikes Two at Once, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Om-pah-tón-ga, Big Elk, a Famous Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
O-rón-gás-see, Bear-catcher, a Celebrated Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.