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Pah-ta-cóo-chee, Shooting Cedar, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Pa-ris-ka-roó-pa, Two Crows, a Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Peh-tó-pe-kiss, Eagle's Ribs, a Piegan Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Peh-tó-pe-kiss, Eagle's Ribs, a Piegan Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Picturesque Clay Bluff, 1700 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
River Bluffs, 1320 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Seet-sé-be-a, Midday Sun, a Pretty Girl, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Sha-có-pay, The Six, Chief of the Plains Ojibwa, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Shó-me-kós-see, The Wolf, a Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Shón-ka-ki-he-ga, Horse Chief, Grand Pawnee Head Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Shoo-de-gá-cha, The Smoke, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Stán-au-pat, Bloody Hand, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Stu-mick-o-súcks, Buffalo Bull's Back Fat, Head Chief, Blood Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Tcha-aés-ka-ding, Grandson of Buffalo Bull's Back Fat, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Tcha-dés-sa-ko-máh-pee, Bear's Child, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Tchón-su-móns-ka, Sand Bar, Wife of the Trader François Chardon, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Te-ah'-ke-ra-lée-re-coo, The Cheyenne, a Republican Pawnee, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
The Tower, 1100 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Tís-se-wóo-na-tís, She Who Bathes Her Knees, Wife of the Chief, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Tsee-moúnt, Great Wonder, Carrying Her Baby in Her Robe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
View from Floyd's Grave, 1300 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
View in the Grand Detour, 1900 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
View on the Missouri, Alluvial Banks Falling in, 600 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wá-hón-ga-shee, No Fool, a Great Fop, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wah-ro-née-sah, The Surrounder, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wán-ee-ton, Chief of the Tribe, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wée-ke-rú-law, He Who Exchanges, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wife of The Six, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wi-lóoh-tah-eeh-tcháh-ta-máh-nee, Red Thing That Touches in Marching, Daughter of Black Rock, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wos-cóm-mun, Busy Man, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wúk-mi-ser, Corn, a Miniconjou Warrior, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wún-nes-tou, White Buffalo, an Aged Medicine Man, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
W'y-ee-yogh, Man of Sense, a Brave, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Bón-són-gee, New Fire, a Band Chief, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Cáh-he-ga-shín-ga, Little Chief, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Cler-mónt, First Chief of the Tribe, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Cól-lee, a Band Chief, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Eé-shah-kó-nee, Bow and Quiver, First Chief of the Tribe, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Háh-nee, The Beaver, a Warrior, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Há-tchoo-túc-knee, Snapping Turtle, a Half-breed, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Ish-a-ró-yeh, He Who Carries a Wolf, a Distinguished Brave, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Kots-o-kó-ro-kó, Hair of the Bull's Neck, a Chief, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Kotz-a-tó-ah, Smoked Shield, a Distinguished Warrior, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Mun-ne-pús-kee, He Who Is Not Afraid; Ko-ha-túnk-a, Big Crow; and Nah-cóm-ee-shee..., 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Quáy-hám-kay, Stone Shell, a Brave, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Tál-lee, a Warrior of Distinction, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Tcha-tó-ga, Mad Buffalo, Murderer of Two White Men, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Tel-maz-há-za, a Warrior of Distinction, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Túnk-aht-óh-ye, Thunderer, a Boy, and Wun-pán-to-mee, White Weasel, a Girl, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Two Comanche Girls, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Wáh-chee-te, Wife of Cler-mónt, and Child, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Wash-ím-pe-shee, Madman, a Distinguished Warrior, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Ah-móu-a, The Whale, One of Kee-o-kúk's Principal Braves, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Ah-nó-je-nahge, He Who Stands on Both Sides, a Distinguished Ball Player, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Aih-no-wa, The Fire, a Fox Medicine Man, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Ka-bés-hunk, He Who Travels Everywhere, a Warrior, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Kee-o-kúk, The Watchful Fox, Chief of the Tribe, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Kee-o-kúk, The Watchful Fox, Chief of the Tribe, on Horseback, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Me-sóu-wahk, Deer's Hair, Favorite Son of Kee-o-kúk, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
O-tá-wah, The Ottaway, a Warrior, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.