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Theodore Burr Catlin, in Indian Costume, 1840-1841. Creator: George Catlin.
Portrait of Polly Sutton Catlin, 1840s. Creator: George Catlin.
Portrait of Putnam Catlin, 1840s. Creator: George Catlin.
Neu-mon-ya, Walking Rain, War Chief, 1844-1845. Creator: George Catlin.
Shon-ta-yi-ga, Little Wolf, a Famous Warrior, 1844-1845. Creator: George Catlin.
Wash-ka-mon-ya, Fast Dancer, a Warrior, 1844-1845. Creator: George Catlin.
War Dance, Sioux, 1845-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Catlin and His Indian Guide Approaching Buffalo under White Wolf Skins, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Catlin and Party Stalking Buffalo, Upper Missouri, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Comanche Indians Chasing Buffalo with Lances and Bows, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Comanche War Party on the March, Fully Equipped, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Deer Hunting by Torchlight in Bark Canoes, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Indian Encampment, Comanche (or Kiowa) Dressing Skins, Red River, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Mounted War Party Scouring a Thicket, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Ojibwe Spearing Salmon by Torchlight, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Portraits of a Grizzly Bear and Mouse, Life Size, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Sioux Indians on Snowshoes Lancing Buffalo, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Weapons and Physiognomy of the Grizzly Bear, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Weapons and Physiognomy of the Grizzly Bear, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Portrait of a Woman, ca. 1825-1830. Creator: George Catlin.
William Wilson, ca. 1826. Creator: George Catlin.
Portrait of Mary Catlin, ca. 1827. Creator: George Catlin.
Little Bear, Steep Wind, The Dog; Three Distinguished Warriors of the Sioux Tribe, ca. 1865-1871. Creator: George Catlin.
Mrs. George Catlin (Clara Bartlett Gregory), ca. 1828. Creator: George Catlin.
Pash-ee-pa-hó, Little Stabbing Chief, the Younger, One of Black Hawk's Braves, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wáh-pa-ko-lás-kuk, Bear's Track, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Wife of Two Crows, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Tow-ée-ka-wet, a Cree Woman, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Náw-káw, Wood, Former Chief of the Tribe, 1828. Creator: George Catlin.
Mah-kée-mee-teuv, Grizzly Bear, Chief of the Tribe, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Coo-coo-coo, The Owl, an Aged Chief, 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Ke-chím-qua, Big Bear, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Shee-náh-wee, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Wáh-pe-say, The White, 1830. Creator: George Catlin.
Mún-ne-o-ye, a Woman, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Bread, Chief of the Tribe, 1831. Creator: George Catlin.
Hón-je-a-pút-o, Wife of Bear-catcher, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wat-ál-le-go, a Brave, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Hose-put-o-káw-gee, a Brave, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Tchow-ee-pút-o-kaw, a Woman, 1834. Creator: George Catlin.
Mick-e-no-páh, Chief of the Tribe, 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
View in the "Cross Timbers," Texas, 1832 or 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Beautiful Clay Bluffs, 1900 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Iron Bluff, 1200 Miles above St. Louis, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Wa-sáw-me-saw, Roaring Thunder, Youngest Son of Black Hawk, 1832. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Battle Between Sioux and Sac and Fox, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Landscape Background, 1846-1848. Creator: George Catlin.
Kickapoo Indians Preaching and Praying, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
Assinneboine Warrior and His Family, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
Mohave Chief, a Warrior, and His Wife, 1855/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
Seneca Chief, Red Jacket, with Two Warriors, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
Two Cherokee Chiefs, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
A Sioux Chief, His Daughter, and a Warrior, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
Fort Union, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.