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Pash-ee-pa-hó, Little Stabbing Chief, a Venerable Sauk Chief, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Tóh-to-wah-kón-da-pee, Blue Medicine, a Medicine Man of the Ting-ta-to-ah Band, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Wah-chee-háhs-ka, Man Who Puts All Out of Doors, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
We-chúsh-ta-dóo-ta, Red Man, a Distinguished Ball Player, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Wife of Kee-o-kúk, 1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Ee-tów-o-kaum, Both Sides of the River, Chief of the Tribe, 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
I-an-be-w'ah-dick, Male Caribou, a Brave, 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Kay-ée-qua-da-kúm-ee-gísh-kum, He Who Tries the Ground with His Foot, 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
O'n-daig, The Crow, a Dandy, 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Waun-naw-con, The Dish (John W. Quinney), a Missionary Preacher, 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Ee-mat-lá-, King Phillip, Second Chief, 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
Eteh-ée-fix-e-co, Deer Without a Heart, a Chief, 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
Os-ce-o-lá, The Black Drink, a Warrior of Great Distinction, 1838. Creator: George Catlin.
Osceola Nick-a-no-chee, a Boy, 1840. Creator: George Catlin.
Koon-za-ya-me, Female War Eagle, 1844. Creator: George Catlin.
No-ho-mun-ya, One Who Gives No Attention, 1844. Creator: George Catlin.
Ru-ton-wee-me, Pigeon on the Wing, 1844. Creator: George Catlin.
Ru-ton-ye-wee-ma, Strutting Pigeon, Wife of White Cloud, 1844. Creator: George Catlin.
A-wun-ne-wa-be, Bird of Thunder, 1845. Creator: George Catlin.
Great Hero, a chief, 1845. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Bull, Grazing on the Prairie, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase in Snowdrifts, Indians Pursuing on Snowshoes, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase in Winter, Indians on Snowshoes, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase over Prairie Bluffs, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase with Bows and Lances, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase, a Single Death, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase, a Surround by the Hidatsa, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase, Bull Protecting a Cow and Calf, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase, Bulls Making Battle with Men and Horses, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Chase, Mouth of the Yellowstone, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Cow, Grazing on the Prairie, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Hunt under the Wolf-skin Mask, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Crow Lodge of Twenty-five Buffalo Skins, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Dying Buffalo, Shot with an Arrow, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
St. Louis from the River Below, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
White Wolves Attacking a Buffalo Bull, 1832-1833. Creator: George Catlin.
Sioux Dog Feast, 1832-1837. Creator: George Catlin.
Sioux Indian Council, Chiefs in Profound Deliberation, 1832-1837. Creator: George Catlin.
Comanche Village, Women Dressing Robes and Drying Meat, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Comanche War Party, Chief Discovering the Enemy and Urging his Men at Sunrise, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Wáh-chees, a Brave, 1835 or 1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Ball-play of the Women, Prairie du Chien, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Chée-ah-ká-tchée, Wife of Nót-to-way, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Nót-to-way, a Chief, 1835-1836. Creator: George Catlin.
Eagle Dance, Choctaw, 1835-1837. Creator: George Catlin.
Self-torture in a Sioux Religious Ceremony, 1835-1837. Creator: George Catlin.
Shin-gós-se-moon, Big Sail, a Chief, 1836?. Creator: George Catlin.
Sault Ste. Marie, Showing the United States Garrison in the Distance, 1836-1837. Creator: George Catlin.
Batiste, Bogard, and I Approaching Buffalo on the Missouri, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Bird's-eye View of the Mandan Village, 1800 Miles above St. Louis, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Bogard, Batiste, and I, Traveling through a Missouri Bottom, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Bulls Fighting in Running Season, Upper Missouri, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Buffalo Bulls in a Wallow, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Comanche Giving Arrows to the Medicine Rock, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Hee-doh'ge-ats, a Young Man, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Medicine Buffalo of the Sioux, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Sac and Fox Sailing in Canoes, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Sioux Worshiping at the Red Boulders, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Wi-jún-jon, Pigeon's Egg Head (The Light) Going To and Returning From Washington, 1837-1839. Creator: George Catlin.
Three Fox Indians, (1837-1839?). Creator: George Catlin.