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6pages, 341 results in yourPicture Typesearch for"Mythology"Advanced Search
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Queen Fredegonda at the Death-Bed of Bishop Praetextatus, 1864. Creator: Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence (1836-1912).
Al-Majmu'at al-Rashidiyya (Theological Treatise), 14th century. Creator: Anonymous.
The Four Seasons: summer months, End of 17th-Early 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
The Four Seasons: Winter months, End of 17th-Early 18th cen. Creator: Anonymous.
Title page of "Der Juden Erbarkeit", 1571. Creator: Anonymous.
The Death and a girl, 1515. Creator: Baldung (Baldung Grien), Hans (1484-1545).
The Abandoned, c1930-1931. Creator: Barlach, Ernst (1870-1938).
Sensual Dance (Pan) , c 1920. Creator: Bayros, Franz von (1866-1924).
Homer sings in a circle of young Greeks, 19th century. Creator: Becker, Carl Ludwig Friedrich (1820-1900).
Cleopatra, 1865. Creator: Bianchi, Mosè (1840-1904).
Theagenes Receiving the Palm of Honour from Chariclea, 1626. Creator: Bloemaert, Abraham (1566-1651).
The faithful wives of Weinsberg. Creator: Bocksberger, Hans, the Elder (1510-1561).
Oedipus at Colonus, 1803. Creator: Bossi, Giuseppe (1777-1815).
Apotheosis of Giambattista Bodoni, Early 19th cen. Creator: Bossi, Giuseppe (1777-1815).
Illustration for "The Old Curiosity Shop" by Charles Dickens. Creator: Brock, Charles Edmund (1870-1938).
Illustration for "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. Creator: Brock, Charles Edmund (1870-1938).
The Mirror of Venus, 1877. Creator: Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898).
Justice of Titus Manlius Torquatus. (Giudizio di Manlio Torquato), c1550-1560. Creator: Campi, Antonio (c. 1522-1587).
Justice of Philip II of Macedon. (Filippo il Macedone restituisce il denaro a Macheta), c1550-1560. Creator: Campi, Giulio (1507-1573).
Justice of Trajan. (Giudizio di Traiano), c1550-1560. Creator: Campi, Giulio (1507-1573).
The Story of Constance and Don Juan, 1710. Creator: Carré, Hendrik (1656-1721).
Angel (Angel Prelude), 1909. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Rex, 1909. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Fugue. From the diptych "Prelude. Fugue", 1908. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Sonata No. 7 (Sonata of the Pyramids). Allegro, 1909. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Sonata No. 6 (Sonata of the Stars). Allegro, 1908. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Angels (Paradise), 1909. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Serenity, 1905. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Creation of the World. IX , 1906. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Fairy Tale. From Triptych, 1907. Creator: Ciurlionis, Mikalojus Konstantinas (1875-1911).
Semele and Beroe, 1886. Creator: Clementz, Hermann (1852-1930).
An Allegory of the Mystery of human life. Creator: Cleve, Marten van, the Elder (1520-1570).
Tom Getting the best of a Charley. Illustration to "Life in London" by Pierce Egan , 1820. Creator: Cruikshank, George (1792-1878).
Artemisia, 1700s. Creator: Dal Sole, Giovan Gioseffo (1654-1719).
The death of Count Josselin de Montmorency, 1825. Creator: D'Azeglio, Massimo (1798-1866).
Air, Iron and Water, 1937. Creator: Delaunay, Robert (1885-1941).
Circular Forms. Sun, Moon, 1913-1931. Creator: Delaunay, Robert (1885-1941).
Tristan en prose. MS 648 (0404): Folie de Tristan - Iseut demandant à Fergus de retrouver..., c1455. Creator: Dunois Master, (Maître de Dunois) (active 1430-1465).
Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, drives away the night, 1904. Creator: Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904).
Birth of Adonis, c1517-1518. Creator: Ferramola, Floriano (Fioravante) (c. 1478-1528).
L'Adorazione (The Adoration), 1931. Creator: Fillia, (Luigi Colombo) (1904-1936).
Neptune and Amphitrite, c 1616-1618. Creator: Francken, Frans, the Younger (1581-1642).
Evirchoma, c 1824. Creator: Franquelin, Jean-Augustin (1798-1839).
Orpheus and Eurydice. Creator: Frey-Moock, Adolf (1881-1954).
Scherzo (from the cycle Rhythms), 1913. Creator: Friedrich, Otto (1862-1937).
Fugato (from the cycle Rhythms), 1913. Creator: Friedrich, Otto (1862-1937).
Adagio (from the cycle Rhythms), 1913. Creator: Friedrich, Otto (1862-1937).
Gertrude, Hamlet and the ghost of Hamlet's father, 1793. Creator: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825).
Ceres, c1556-1558. Creator: Gambara, Lattanzio (c. 1530-1574).
Saint Benedict and Saint Peter in a boat intercepting the Saracens, Second Half of the 17th cen. Creator: Giordano, Luca (1632-1705).
Minerva, 1611. Creator: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617).
Hercules and Cacus, 1613. Creator: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617).
The Great Anxiety, 1918. Creator: Gramatté, Walter (1897-1929).
The Bayadere (La Bajadera), 1924. Creator: Gregorietti, Totò (1900-1927).
Mitate Kikujido, 1765. Creator: Harunobu, Suzuki (1724-1770).
Beethoven's vision, 1882. Creator: Hausleithner, Rudolf (1840-1918).
The march of intellect, 1828. Creator: Heath, Henry (active 1824-1850).
Morning, Noon, Night, c 1828. Creator: Heath, William (1795-1840).
Erichthonius Discovered by the Daughters of Cecrops, c 1650. Creator: Herp, Willem van, the Elder (c. 1614-1677).
The Holy Hour, 1907-1913. Creator: Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918).