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Pallas Athena Drives Away Mars, 1576. Creator: Tintoretto, Jacopo (1518-1594).
The erection of the tomb of Michelangelo Buonarroti in the church of Santa Croce, Florence,1618-1620 Creator: Titi (Tito), Tiberio (1578-1637).
The three brides, 1892-1893. Creator: Toorop, Jan (1858-1928).
Chichikov at the house of Korobochka. Illustration for the novel "Dead Souls" by N. Gogol, 1930. Creator: Topikov (Pravednikov), Evtikhy Ivanovich (1890-1945).
Chichikov at the house of Plyushkin. Illustration for the novel "Dead Souls" by N. Gogol, 1930. Creator: Topikov (Pravednikov), Evtikhy Ivanovich (1890-1945).
King Midas. Creator: Vaccaro, Andrea (1604-1670).
Fiammetta, 1911. Creator: Veith, Eduard (1856-1925).
Dialectics (Cobweb) , 1575-1578. Creator: Veronese, Paolo (1528-1588).
Dante and Virgil in front of Charon's Boat, 1874. Creator: Vetri, Paolo (1855-1937).
Heinrich der Vogler sitting under a tree. Creator: Walter, Ottokar (1853-1904).
Aesop Tells his Fables, 1879. Creator: Wittmer, Johann Michael (1802-1880).
Poet's Tomb, 1913. Creator: Zarins, Rihards (1869-1939).
Aeneas Fleeing Troy, 1598. Creator: Barocci; Federigo (1528-1612).
Venus Discovering the Dead Adonis, c1600. Creator: Scarsellino (Scarsella); Ippolito (1551-1620).
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus, c 1615. Creator: Scarsellino (Scarsella); Ippolito (1551-1620).
The Bath of Venus, c1610-1615. Creator: Scarsellino (Scarsella); Ippolito (1551-1620).
Semiramis before the gates of Babylon, c1540. Creator: Anonymous ().
Battle of Furius Camillus against the Gauls, after 1613. Creator: Celio; Gaspare (1571-1640).
Wooden Seated Child Manjusri Statue (Munsu Bosal). National Treasure No 221, 15th century. Creator: The Oriental Applied Arts ().
Study for the figure of Zephyr, c1639. Creator: Vouet; Simon (1590-1649).
The Three Ages of Woman, 1905. Creator: Klimt; Gustav (1862-1918).
The Four Ages of Man, c1625. Creator: Dyck; Sir Anthony van (1599-1641).
Time cutting the Wings of Love, . Creator: Sustris; Lambert (1515/20-after 1591).
Tancred in the enchanted forest, c1635-1640. Creator: Schoenfeld; Johann Heinrich (1609-1684).
Smell. The Lady and the Unicorn , Between 1484 and 1500. Creator: Anonymous master ().
Sight. The Lady and the Unicorn, Between 1484 and 1500. Creator: Anonymous master ().
Taste. The Lady and the Unicorn, Between 1484 and 1500. Creator: Anonymous master ().
The Suicide of Saul, 1562. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel); Pieter; the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
The Peasant and the Nest Robber, 1568. Creator: Bruegel (Brueghel); Pieter; the Elder (ca 1525-1569).
Parnassus, 1708. Creator: Raoux; Jean (1677-1734).
Bacchus and Ariadne, 1708-1710. Creator: Raoux; Jean (1677-1734).
The Judgement of Paris, 1710. Creator: Raoux; Jean (1677-1734).
Paris abducting Helen, 1708-1710. Creator: Raoux; Jean (1677-1734).
Venus, Satyr and Putti (Tapestry), c1540. Creator: Karcher (Carchera); Nicolas (Nicola) (active 1517-1562).
Temple of Virtue. Apotheosis of Nicolò Maria Pallavicino, c1695. Creator: Maratta; Carlo (1625-1713).
The Death of Cleopatra, c1625. Creator: Reni; Guido (1575-1642).
Wandering Jew (Ahasver), 1927. Creator: Palugyay; Zoltan (1898-1935).
Coronation of Diana, before 1620. Creator: Rubens; Pieter Paul (1577-1640).
Meleager and Atalanta, 1632. Creator: Honthorst; Gerrit; van (1590-1656).
Rinaldo and Armida, c1629. Creator: Dyck; Sir Anthony van (1599-1641).
Triumph of Galatea, 1659. Creator: Thulden; Theodoor; van (1606-1669).
Dido and Aeneas in the cave , 1646. Creator: Bosschaert; Thomas Willeboirts (1613-1654).
The Flaying of Marsyas , c1573-1575. Creator: Titian (1488-1576).
Pulcinella's family. From "Scene di vita e costumi napoletani", 1840. Creator: Dura; Gaetano (1805-1878).
Triumph of Neptune, 2nd cen. AD. Creator: Classical Antiquities ().
Sultan portraits. From "Key to the comprehensive divination (Tercüme-i Miftah-i Cifrü'l-Cami)", 1747 Creator: Anonymous ().
Ali breaks the idols atop the Ka'ba as Muhammad stands below. From Athar al-muzaffar..., 1567. Creator: Anonymous ().
Scene in a mosque. From "Falnama" (Book of Omens) by Shah Tahmasp I., c1550-1560. Creator: Anonymous ().
Erfolglos (Unsuccessful), 1927. Creator: Klee; Paul (1879-1940).
La démence - Revolution, . Creator: Werefkin; Marianne; von (1860-1938).
Frontispiece for "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman" by Laurence Sterne, 1774. Creator: Crusius; Carl Leberecht (1740-1779).
Jean Gerson as a pilgrim, before 1502. Creator: Dürer; Albrecht (1471-1528).
Battle of the Golden Spurs (Bataille des éperons d'or) , 1895. Creator: Ensor; James (1860-1949).
Apollo Flaying Marsyas, 1618. Creator: Guercino (1591-1666).
Mars and Venus, 1634. Creator: Guercino (1591-1666).
Mago Brumio, . Creator: Guercino (1591-1666).
Pericles admires the works of Phidias at the Parthenon, 1811-1813. Creator: Landi; Gaspare (1756-1830).
Statue of Apollo (Kassel type), 120-140 AD. Creator: Art of Ancient Rome; Classical sculpture ().
Allegory of Dance, . Creator: Carrier-Belleuse; Albert-Ernest (1824-1887).
Allegory of the five senses: Elegant company sitting at a table, c1640. Creator: Cossiers; Jan (1600-1671).