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6pages, 341 results in yourPicture Typesearch for"Mythology"Advanced Search
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Wilhelm Tell, 1896-1897 . Creator: Hodler, Ferdinand (1853-1918).
The Tiburtine Sibyl, First third of 17th cen. Creator: Hoecke, Jan van den (1611-1651).
Folly in the Pulpit. Drawing for "The Praise of Folly" by Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1515. Creator: Holbein, Hans, the Younger (1497-1543).
The Rape of Europa. Creator: Ingannati, Pietro degli (ca 1510-ca 1550).
Dance of Death (Danse Macabre), 1490. Creator: John of Kastav (active ca 1490).
Cupid and Psyche, 1792. Creator: Kauffmann, Angelika (1741-1807).
Small World, 1914. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Narretei (Foolishness), 1922. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Wüsten-Räuber (Desert Robber), 1938. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Compositional Sketch for "Medicine", 1897-1898. Creator: Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918).
Spring, c1884. Creator: Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918).
The Music, 1895. Creator: Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918).
Playing nymphs. Creator: Knüpfer, Benes (1844-1910).
Inspiration, 1905. Creator: Kollwitz, Käthe (1867-1945).
Ossian and Malvina, 1810. Creator: Krafft, Johann Peter (1780-1856).
Illustration for the story "A Terrible Vengeance" from the collection "Evenings on a Farm..., 1874. Creator: Kramskoi, Ivan Nikolayevich (1837-1887).
Colorful Flowering Grasses in the Light of the Full Moon (Monaka no tsuki iro no kusabana)...c1850. Creator: Kunisada (Toyokuni III), Utagawa (1786-1865).
The gust of wind, 1898. Creator: Lévy-Dhurmer, Lucien (1865-1953).
Catherine de' Medici and the Alchemist Cosimo Ruggieri, 1867. Creator: Lulvès, Jean (1833-1889).
Flight of King Gradlon, c1884. Creator: Luminais, Évariste Vital (1822-1896).
Venice Pays Homage to Caterina Cornaro , 1872-1873. Creator: Makart, Hans (1840-1884).
The Judgement of Paris , 1889. Creator: Makovsky, Konstantin Yegorovich (1839-1915).
Illustration for the story "A Terrible Vengeance" from the collection "Evenings on a Farm..., 1874. Creator: Makovsky, Vladimir Yegorovich (1846-1920).
Illustration for the story "A Terrible Vengeance" from the collection "Evenings on a Farm..., 1874. Creator: Makovsky, Vladimir Yegorovich (1846-1920).
Dancing Muse, 1496-1498. Creator: Mantegna, Andrea (1431-1506).
Antelope, 1913. Creator: Marc, Franz (1880-1916).
Traviata. Creator: Max, Gabriel Cornelius, Ritter von (1840-1915).
Borussia, 1868. Creator: Menzel, Adolph Friedrich, von (1815-1905).
Daydreaming. Creator: Nomellini, Plinio (1866-1943).
Amazzoni che si preparano alla battaglia (Amazons preparing for battle), c1675-1680. Creator: Nuvolone, Giuseppe (1619-1703).
Illustration for "Le Grand" by Heinrich Heine , 1913. Creator: Oppenheimer, Max (1885-1954).
Floralia, 1899. Creator: Piatti, Prospero (1842-1902).
Mercury and Minerva, 1553-1554. Creator: Ponchini (Ponchino), Giovanni Battista (c. 1500-1570/71).
Flora's Wagon of Fools, Between 1632 and 1641. Creator: Pot, Hendrik Gerritsz. (1580/81-1657).
Allegory of Transience, Between 1630 and 1640. Creator: Pot, Hendrik Gerritsz. (1580/81-1657).
Sleeping Venus surprised by satyrs, c1625. Creator: Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665).
Latona transforms the Lycians into frogs, 18th century. Creator: Pozzi, Stefano (1699-1768).
Pallas Athena, c1657 . Creator: Rembrandt van Rhijn (1606-1669).
The Bird Flight (Boy At A Mountain Lake), 1932. Creator: Reyl-Hanisch, Herbert von (1898-1937).
Pia de' Tolomei, 1853-1855. Creator: Rizzi, Lorenzo (1830-1885).
New Map of France, After the Latest Discoveries of the Scientists and Explorers, 1882. Creator: Robida, Albert (1848-1926).
Illustration for "A Song of the English" by Rudyard Kipling  , 1909. Creator: Robinson, William Heath (1872-1944).
Alilat. Illustration for "Le Poison des Pierreries" by Camille Mauclair, c 1903. Creator: Rochegrosse, Georges Antoine (1859-1938).
The Triptych St. Joan of Arc: The Maid at the Stake. Eternal Mother. Vigil of Prayer, 1931. Creator: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947).
Confucius, the Just One. From the Series "Banners of the East" , 1925. Creator: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947).
Satan Sowing Seeds (from Les Sataniques), c 1906. Creator: Rops, Félicien (1833-1898).
Allegory of the reign of Emperor Matthias (1557-1619), 1614-1616. Creator: Sadeler, Aegidius (1575-1629).
Portable island, 1931. Creator: Savinio, Alberto (1891-1952).
Don Juan and Haidée, c 1827. Creator: Scheffer, Henry (1798-1862).
Dante and Virgil meet Matelda (Purgatorio 28), 1870. Creator: Schönbrunner, Karl (1832-1877).
The refugee, 1928. Creator: Sedlacek, Franz (1891-1945).
Curtain of the Juliusz Slowacki Theatre in Krakow , 1894. Creator: Siemiradzki, Henryk (1843-1902).
The Education of Jupiter on Mount Ida in Crete, 1846. Creator: Steinfurth, Hermann (1824-1880).
Nymphs (Will-o'-the-wisps). Creator: Stifter, Moritz (1857-1905).
Angelika and Medoro. Scene from "Orlando Furioso" by Ludovico Ariosto, 1833. Creator: Stroj, Mihael (1803-1871).
Le Rêve (The Dream), 1856. Creator: Tassaert, Octave (1800-1874).
Antiochus and Stratonike. Creator: Thulden, Theodoor, van (1606-1669).
Thangka of Shadakshari Mandala, 17th century. Creator: Tibetan culture.
Thangka of Sarva Buddha Dakini, 18th century. Creator: Tibetan culture.
Pulcinella innamorato (Pulcinella in Love) , 1791. Creator: Tiepolo, Giandomenico (1727-1804).